Chapter 164 Cavalry

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After Bai arrived, everyone camped and rested for a day. On the next day, Xing returned from the waterway at full speed with most of the crew and a small number of slaves. Bai led the rest of the people along the river and returned directly to the Changhe Tribe by land.

Bai also considered leaving these slaves somewhere in Changhe and opening up a brand new sub-tribe as a transit point for the tribe's transactions. But this idea was eventually rejected by himself, because the tribe does not have the strength and energy to manage and control a sub-tribe that is too far away.

And there were quite a few war slaves among this group of slaves, and the wildebeest mounts gave him a better idea.

Wu Nuo once mentioned to him a very powerful pure human unit - cavalry.

During the period of cold weapons on earth, cavalry, especially heavy cavalry, was definitely the worst nightmare in war.

Wu Xiaonuo once mentioned a few words about cavalry to Bai Damiao when he was bullying Heifeng. Wu Nuo's knowledge of cavalry was limited to a few TV dramas with ancient costumes and a few words in junior high school history books, so he also It was very vague, in order to prevent Heifeng from being bullied by Big Meow, his description was inevitably exaggerated (not).

Wu Nuo just said it casually at that time, but Bai heard it in his heart.

War slaves, wildebeest horses, and "Beast-shaped Fist".

After hesitating for a whole night, Bai finally made a painful decision—to bring these slaves back to the tribe from the land, train them into the invincible cavalry that Wu Nuo said, and open up a land trade route from the Changhe Tribe to the Great Lake Tribe along the way.

Kill three birds with one stone.

But Bai was still hesitant. The reason... of course, was because of Wu Nuo. If this plan was implemented, he would not be able to return to the tribe until three months at the earliest.

Thinking about being separated from Wu Xiaonuo for so long, Bai Damiao was unhappy, and thinking about that annoying little guy Kara must be clinging to his Wu Xiaonuo all day long. When he was at home, Wu Xiaonuo was enough to spoil Kara , Wu Xiaonuo will definitely get worse if he is not here. When he returns home in three months, will he still have a place in the family?

The big white cat is full of sorrow.

However, after struggling for a while, Bai thought about it again in embarrassment - no matter how favored Kara is, he is just a pet, and he is Wu Xiaonuo's partner, partner ︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿ denied Kara. After the little threat of "Not to be Feared", Bai Damiao still struggled with it for most of the night - we will be separated for three or four months, it seems that I have never been separated from the little angel for so long, and I have already started to miss him, what should I do?

In the animal skin tent, on the smooth brown animal skin, Fat Miao caressed his silver-white fat belly with four paws facing the sky, and sighed very sadly.

If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have eaten up the dry food that Wu Xiaonuo prepared for him so quickly, meow~ I had known, I wouldn't have been so cheap, using dried fish to tease Kara's stupid dragon, Meow~ I had known, You shouldn't be so greedy, filling the interspatial ring with all kinds of trading items, meow~ Fat Meow rolled over, raised her fat paw, under the silver-white hair, there was a small light brown mark, a little bit Be careful, it's easy to miss.

With an invisible fluctuation, a fragrant and spicy dried fish appeared out of thin air, exuding a tempting smell, and fell directly into Fat Miao's mouth.

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