Chapter 48

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Lin Luo looked at him and smiled, from the smile at the corner of his mouth to the bottom of his eyes, the smile turned into sadness, how much he hated the man in front of him, he couldn't wait to peel his skin, tear his bones, eat his flesh, suck his blood, and suck his bones to ashes!

This is the man he loved so deeply back then, and this is the person he dreamed of marrying!

He pushed the man in front of him away hard, his body staggered forward, Lu Yixuan watched him take a step forward, stretched out his hand and pulled him, Lin Luo's hand was very ice, he couldn't help but shiver in his heart when he held it in the palm of his hand.

Lin Luo turned his head and looked at him with red eyes, Lin Luo, who has always loved to cry, actually did not shed tears at this time.

"Let go!

Lu Yixuan's fingertips trembled, and finally let go of him.

Lin Luo shook his body, continued to walk forward, until he reached the head of the bed, and then uncovered the white cloth.

Father Lin lay there with his eyes closed, as if he was asleep, and there was a shallow smile on the corner of his mouth.

The nose became more and more sour, Lin Luo took a breath, and trembled with a nasal voice: "Dad, I came to see you."

He stretched out his hand to touch Daddy Lin's cheek, and Daddy Lin's blue and white cheeks grew scum, and his palms were a little itchy to touch.

He remembered that when he was a child, his father often held him, and he loved to prickle his face with the scumbags on his face and make him laugh.

Tears came instantly, and Lin Luo touched his chin: "Dad, why did you forget to shave again?" The voice was so small that it was almost inaudible.

Lin Luo showed a smile that was even more ugly than crying: "Dad, I'm sorry I couldn't come to see you for the last time, don't you like me anymore, you think I'm too nesty and useless, so I left quietly, and I didn't let me come to see you for the last time."

He said to himself in a dumb voice: "Dad, can you open your eyes and look at me."

The prison guard on the side couldn't take it anymore and couldn't help but step forward and say: "Sir, he has passed away."

Lin Luo shook his head and muttered, "No, my dad is just angry with me, and when he is angry, he pretends to sleep and ignores people like this." 

"When I told him that I liked Lu Yixuan, he ignored me like this for a week.

"Later, when I married Lu Yixuan, he also ignored me. "

Dad, are you angry with me, angry that I haven't divorced Lu Yixuan, dad I'm wrong, I must divorce him and beg you to wake up and see me." Lin Luo couldn't help but whimper anymore, tears rained down, tears were like beads with broken threads smashed down, staining the white bedding gray.

When Lu Yixuan came in from Lin Luo, his eyes kept on him, and when he heard Lin Luo say the word divorce, his heart shook.

Don't even think about divorce, even if Lin Zhenyu dies, he can still tie him up, so that Lin Luo can't divorce himself!

Lu Yixuan walked over, took Lin Luo's hand and forcibly pulled him away from Father Lin.

"Lin Luo, you are enough! "

Lu Yixuan, let go of me!" Lin Luo stared at him with red eyes, his eyes bloodthirsty.

Lu Yixuan's body stiffened, and his squinted eyes burst out with a hint of danger: "How?" Are you trying to mess with me here now? Lu Yixuan could always regard his hoarseness as vexatious.

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