Chapter 70

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The sharp glass pierced the heart of the foot, and the bleeding could not be stopped.

Lu Yixuan breathed sluggishly, "Luo Luo don't move."

Lin Luo raised his eyes, his dark pupils carried a gloomy gull, and he stepped back, and deeper glass plunged into the flesh, causing him to gasp in pain. The pain in my feet instantly dissipated the pain in my abdomen.

Lu Yixuan frowned, kicked the ornament in front of him, strode over and picked Lin Luo up, Lu Yixuan's face was ugly, and his face with his back to the light was gloomy.

Lin Luo's foot cut through several holes, and the blood and flesh were mixed with glass shards, which hurt to watch.

He didn't know why Lin Luo wanted to do this, was it just to get out.

"Just because I don't let you out, you're hurting yourself like this? Lu Yixuan's face was gloomy, and the hand holding his ankle was slightly forced.

"Lin Luo, why are you so stupid.

Lin Luo sneered after hearing his words: "If I wasn't stupid, I could have seen you in the first place?"

"Besides, can this little injury of mine be comparable to a tenth of what you did to me?" Lin Luo said in a dumb voice, his face was fierce, making it impossible to see whether he was laughing or crying.

Lu Yixuan looked at him for a long time before asking, "Why do you have to go out?"

Lin Luo laughed: "I want to see Ji Shiqian." Hearing Ji Shiqian's three words, Lu Yixuan's eyes immediately turned red, and he frowned and asked him: "Why do you want to see him?" Didn't you say last time that you only met once and were unfamiliar?

"It's not familiar, but I have to return it when he invited me to dinner." 

"Nothing is returned, Lin Luo is deliberately making him angry, touching him on the scale, Lu Yixuan gripped Lin Luo's ankle and picked out a piece of glass from the flesh and blood.

"Luo Luo, in the future, you are not allowed to mention Ji Shiqian, it is impossible for you to see him, he is a beast.

Lin Luo smiled coldly and asked, "Are there any of you beasts?"

"You are injured now, I don't want to quarrel with you, if you want to see Ji Shiqian, even if both legs are wasted, I won't let you see you!" Lu Yixuan stared at him deadly, and after seeing him turn his face away, his other hand pinched his chin and forcibly twisted it.

Lin Luo stayed away from him.

"You let me stay away, I'll stay away?" Why should I listen to you? "

Snap! Lu Yixuan slapped him in the face.

Lin Luo fell on the bed, his ears were buzzing, his brain was in chaos, and after a moment he turned his head with red eyes.

"Because you're only me now.

As soon as he thought of Lin Luo's dirty thoughts, he felt that his eyes were black, and his heart was like being punched, and he couldn't slow down for a long time.

Lu Yixuan has completely fallen into a rage, Lin Luo is his person, his wife, people are his heart and his, even if the spirit derails and moves his crooked mind.

The blood on his feet rubbed on the bed, leaving a long mark, Lin Luo bit his lip and silently endured the pain, in addition to the tingling pain on his feet, the pain in his stomach became more and more painful.

The sky outside has darkened, Lin Luo looked at Lu Yixuan, his gloomy face made him tremble uncontrollably, he was afraid, afraid to die, but as soon as he thought of retaliating against him, the panic in Lin Luo's heart rushed away.

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