Chapter 134 - 135

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Chapter 134

Although the agency boy understood the meaning of Qu Jingling's words, for the sake of work, he still pretended to be the same and tried his best to appease her emotions.

And to make her relax, he also told some funny jokes.

Qu Jingling liked this trick very much, and soon she was no longer as panicked as before.

She felt very happy when she thought that she would be able to get rid of Ronghan City after moving.

Soon, in about an hour, it was time to view the house. The people who came to view the house were very famous people. In the past, parents often mentioned the family of the Commander-in-Chief of the Chinese Military!

An old commander-in-chief, accompanied by his son and daughter-in-law, as well as an eldest granddaughter and a young grandson.

Qu Jingling stood aside a little cautiously.

"I was anxious to move in before, so I only changed part of the decoration of the house. Because I was the only one living there, the other rooms were empty."

"There is also a study room upstairs, and the living room and kitchen are just downstairs. After a brief arrangement, we can’t plant anything in the garden outside because there are animals and bugs causing trouble. Once planted, it will be eaten up quickly. “

So it doesn’t look very good now that it’s bare.

Qu Jingling briefly introduced the situation of this villa. The commander-in-chief and his family were very satisfied with the place. The most important thing was that they liked the fact that it was a single-family house.

Otherwise, if you want to live in a larger house, isn't it the same as buying several connected houses directly in the community and living in them?

There are many rooms on the first and second floors and they are very spacious. There is also a small yard outside. Although you can't grow anything, it can be used for children to play.

The old man did not hesitate and said, "This is it."

The commander-in-chief's son immediately came over to discuss with Qu Jinling, "I have prepared the house you want to move to and the money. You can move today." "

The old man likes it here very much, and we want to move in as soon as possible."

Qu Jingling nodded quickly. She fully understood what this person meant, "It's no problem at all. I can move today. The house and money are not the most important. The most important thing is... the man next door."

The middle-aged man, who was probably less than forty years old, narrowed his eyes slightly.

"When I entered the door just now, I saw a young man standing upstairs in the villa next to me. He looked at us a little bit wrong. Is this him you are talking about?"

His wife came over and held his arm, "His The look in his eyes is still a bit scary, but don't worry, we already have countermeasures for this matter, and we will ensure that he will not appear in front of you again."

Qu Jingling breathed a sigh of relief, because these are celebrities. , so I’m still very relieved.

"I'm just an ordinary person. I can't do anything to him at all. He didn't mean to hurt me. Anyway, I can see him as soon as I turn around or in the blink of an eye."

"Every time I go out, no matter how quietly I go out, I go out in the middle of the night. He knew it all, and followed me quietly until I turned around to go home, and suddenly I saw him following me. Do you know what it feels like?”

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