Chapter 305 - 306

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Chapter 305

Moreover, the people in their manor do not go to the big base. Now that there is a supermarket in the small base, they can only come to the supermarket to consume. If they want more, they have to have it shipped from the big base.

So these 6 million points are really enough for them to use for a year.

Tang Ming actually wasn't too entangled. The supplies they needed to purchase from the base every year didn't actually require so many points. The most needed food in their manor was self-sufficient, including seasonings and so on.

Among them, he will leave a card in the cafeteria of the manor. Anyone who wants to go to the supermarket at the small base can take it, but they must register their name when taking it away, and they must also register their name when taking it back. When registering, you must also indicate how much you have consumed.

At the beginning, everyone was a little cautious. Every time they went there, they saw more and bought less. But later they found out that Tang Ming really gave them two million points to buy for fun, so they went to buy with confidence.

But everyone is very conscious and will not spend points lavishly. After all, these points belong to the entire manor.

It doesn't belong to them personally, but since doing this, everyone is very happy, because sometimes they can really buy things they have always wanted but would not bring when purchasing in the manor.

Many of them are decorative and ornamental, used to decorate the room, such as vases, etc. If you put them in the room, put some water in them and put flowers in them, they will bloom for a long time! One month is not a problem.

And just when they were calm, Lin Dong and Lin Chun found them and told them the first bad news of the year. Typhoon No. 1 this year was gradually forming, which meant that the arrival of Typhoon No. 1 was not far away.

Tang Ming, "Are you sure? How long will it take for it to form? Where will it land? How strong is the typhoon..." Lin Dong and Lin Chun both shook their heads, "We can't give you too much specific information. These are all You need to observe it every day, but you must take precautions early. This Typhoon No. 1 should be very big, bigger than all the typhoons last year."

Tang Ming frowned slightly. He was not worried about the plants in the manor. He was worried. It's other bases. If something happens at the base, life in the manor here will also be affected. After all, many things now need to be purchased from the base.

But it doesn't matter. Even under such harsh conditions in the previous life, humans have been able to survive for ten years. Now that the conditions are so good, if humans still can't survive, my own strength may not be of much use.

"Lin Dong, you sisters must confirm the exact formation time, size and movement speed of this typhoon every day. We must prepare in advance." Tang Ming was still concerned about the manor.

"Don't worry about this. This is our job. We will pay attention to it every day. Once there are changes, we will tell you immediately



Ming nodded and waved his hand to let them leave first. The typhoon is just forming now, so That is to say, there is actually still some time before the actual landing reaches S City, maybe half a month, maybe a month, or even longer.

Don't worry too much now, Tang Ming thought and breathed a sigh of relief, "Tianlan, let's make some preparations for the typhoon in the next period of time. The drainage ditch near the manor needs to be dug properly."

Tang Tianlan, " There is a river between the two mountains on your side, and Yi Jun and the others dug a river between the large area of ​​the manor and S City. I guess there will be no problem. The terrain here is relatively high."

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