Chapter 265 - 266

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Chapter 265

Even Tang Tianlan started eating together. All the stools and sofas in the living room were replaced by the same wooden blocks that they brought back to make the bed, which would not break when sitting on them.

Just after sitting together, Qian Duobei always felt that something was wrong. He looked at them while eating, and then ate again, but soon looked at them again, as if something was not right.

Tang Ming also looked at Qian Duobei, "Why are you looking at us like this?"

Qian Duobei suddenly paused, and then said, " you two grown taller?"

Tang Tianlan and Tang It was only then that Ming remembered that their height now seemed to be two meters three to two meters four, so even when they were done, they looked a little different.

The reason why so many people didn't notice it before was probably because they just wanted to sleep.

Tang Ming said, "Your illusion is that we have always been like this."

Qian Duobei was 100% sure that Tang Ming was telling lies! But he doesn't know what he should say now.

"But...but before I narrowed my eyes, you were obviously not as tall as me, but now you are taller than me when we sit together. Could it be that I saw it wrong? Not only has my eyesight not gotten worse, it has also gotten better. "

So don't try to find any excuse that he saw it wrong or remembered it wrongly. It's just...

Tang Ming glanced at him slowly and didn't say anything. Instead, Tang Tianlan, who had been silent just now, stared at him. In fact, Tang Ming looked at him slowly and didn't say anything. Tang Tianlan didn't say anything, but he was so powerful. When a pair of eyes stared at him...tsxdzQian

Duobei felt as heavy as a boulder on his head, "I...I saw it wrong."

Humiliation , it’s so humiliating! It’s so humiliating! !

But that's the kind of person he is. If it were someone else, it would be okay, but if it were Tang Tianlan... forget it, he still wants to live for a while longer.

And I am definitely not the only one who can see it. When everyone wakes up and eats, they will definitely be able to see it. As expected, someone came not long after, it took about ten minutes.

I heard their voices before I even came over.

"Ouch! I'm so hungry that my eyes are dizzy..."

"I smelled the fragrance when I was still lying on the bed, but for some reason my eyelids felt like they were stuck with strong glue and I couldn't get them open at all. , and I can’t wake up.”

“Yes, yes, I’m like this too. I don’t know what’s going on, but fortunately it’s much better now. It smells so good. Eat it quickly! Eat it quickly!” "

They walked in quickly, and those who came to serve porridge and vegetables didn't even see Tang Ming sitting behind them.

Then many more people came one after another. After almost everyone arrived, Qian Duobei was still observing there. Why didn't anyone notice?

Why didn't anyone notice that Tang Ming and the others had grown taller? At least he has grown 40 to 50 centimeters taller!

Are there any that long? I also want it to be so long. At first glance, does it look like the legendary legs below the neck?

But the hard work paid off, and soon someone discovered Tang Ming's abnormal height, and this person was Yao Guanglin... who followed butler Chen Anyang.

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