Of Bad Plans and Good Intentions

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Summary: When Lonnie and Jay are sparring and practicing for Lonnie's next boxing tournament, Audrey finds herself ridiculously jealous. Luckily, Evie comes up with a perfect plan to get her in the middle of the action. Unluckily, it backfires when Uma gets a little too carried away... Lots of Jaudrey and a fair amount of friendship stuff among Mal, Evie, Uma, Audrey, and Jane. Thank you to @PurpleSkys2 for the request!!!

   "You look really mad, Audrey," Jane noted, and Audrey shook her head insistently. However, she very much kept her eyes on Jay as he laughed and prepared to spar once again with Lonnie. Jane furrowed her brow, looking at Audrey somewhat strangely.

"I'm perfectly fine, Jane. I keep telling you that," Audrey informed her for what felt like the thousandth time as she almost ground her teeth at the sight of her secret crush fraternizing with a friend of hers that just so happened to have a crush on him, too.

Audrey and Jane had came to the indoors practice area for the sports teams under the pretense that Audrey wanted to come and cheer Lonnie on. Of course, Audrey had not told Jane that they really were not there to cheer on Lonnie and that Lonnie had no idea that they were going to come at all.

The truth was that Audrey overheard Lonnie talking to Jay about sparring here today. She had immediately been overcome with jealousy and irritation because sparring meant one important thing. Sparring involved close contact, pinning, fighting, and way too much physical contact for Audrey's liking.

Audrey had been crushing on Jay for quite some time, and despite the fact that Evie had been trying to set them up ever since they danced together for a quick moment in the night at Mal's engagement party, they were still not together and had not even remotely been on anything resembling a date. They talked often, but it was subtle flirtations from both sides and it always felt like a dance around the elephant in the room.

Audrey definitely had a crush, but she had no idea if Jay felt the same because he flirted around every girl. He acted slightly different around her, but that was probably because they had gotten to know each other a little better than him and just any girl that he would pick to pull his moves on.

However, now that she was here and watching this situation, she realized just how differently he was acting with Lonnie. He laughed a lot around her and had no problem touching her. Claps on the shoulder, plenty of contact when they were sparring. She thought that she might explode from utter infuriation when he reached over and helped correct the girl's position. Fortunately, though, it was her arm position.

Small blessings, Audrey couldn't help but bitterly think to herself.

"Hi, girls, what's up?" Evie suddenly piped up as she came over, her arm linked in Mal's as she pulled her along. Evie released her best friend so that they both could sit down next to the two AKs. Audrey immediately attempted to pull herself together. However, she could not help the final glare she shot in Lonnie's direction.

Evie froze, immediately catching onto some sort of tension between Audrey and Lonnie. Evie slowly got a big grin on her face as she looked over at Mal slyly. Mal happened to look in Evie's direction and as soon as she saw Evie's look, she narrowed her eyes in confusion, trying to understand what was going on. Evie shook her head at Mal's cluelessness and straightened with one of those large one-thousand-watt smiles.

"Jane, how are you?" Evie cordially asked, and Jane offered Audrey a concerned glance before answering the bubbling but strangely sly bluenette.

"I'm good. How are you?"

"I'm pretty good," Evie noted, trailing off, and Audrey could feel her looking at her. However, she was not going to make this easy for the other girl who was being much too nosy if anyone asked Audrey. Of course, no one really seemed to worry what Audrey thought, if Jay and Lonnie's exchange was anything to go by.

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