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Summary: Evie returns to her and Mal's shared room to find that a small and brown visitor has come to their bathroom. Sisterly or best friend antics and absolutely no romantic sentiment.

   Evie stumbled into her and Mal's shared room, her entire body reflecting precisely just how exhausted she was.

"Hi, Walking Dead. Don't eat my brains, 'kay?" Mal teased from her spot upon her bed where she sat playing on her phone. Evie grumbled something in response before she fell face-first on her bed in pure fatigue.

"How was your day?"


"That bad, huh?"

Evie nodded her head against the quilts, not knowing if Mal could see her agreement or not.

"Why don't you come over here and talk about it if it was that horrid?" Mal patted the spot nearby her on her own bed.

Evie slid off of her bed with such dramatic effort that Mal couldn't help but chuckle.

The bluenette then proceeded to trudge over to Mal's bed, and she flopped down on it just as she had on hers. The green-eyed girl grinned, reaching up and stroking Evie's hair soothingly.

"So go ahead and tell ol' Doc Mal what's ailing you," Mal instructed, laughing a bit at her own attempts at being humorous.

Evie turned her head over to the side so that she could look at her sister.

"My day has royally sucked." Mal raised an eyebrow.

"Sounds serious. You normally don't lower yourself to 'Mal Words.'" Evie finally rewarded Mal's attempts at drawing out happiness with a small smile.

"Mal Words" had been Evie's dubbing of anything that was even slightly inappropriate or uncouth to say in polite conversation. Which included lots of Mal's vocabulary.

"But really. Tell me about it." Evie sighed before beginning her ultimate tale of woe.

"Well, I ran into Chad Charming and jerk face self and he's hitting on me again."

"I thought he was with Audrey."

"You know their relationship doesn't matter a bit to him. At least, until she finally gets fed up with all of his cheating." Mal nodded in solemn agreement. Even though she didn't like Audrey, she didn't think the occasionally snobby girl deserved that.

"I've got finals coming up that I'm kind of lowkey freaking out about, I've got a big project coming up for Chemistry, the regular school grind is just grating on my already fried nerves. Oh, and I've got three more orders for dresses, which is-"

"Gosh, E! Three more on top of the thirteen you've already got to get done by next week?" Mal questioned in complete shock, the arm holding her phone going limp and falling to her side as she stared at Evie.

"It's actually three more on top of sixteen," Evie guiltily corrected.

"Evie, you are overworking yourself again," Mal informed her, accentuating the "again" with a light smack to the back of Evie's head. Evie huffed in response.

"I know... But I can't really do anything about it."

"A good start would be setting a maximum amount of dresses that you will work on at a time."

"But I've got to please my customers..."

"The first thing you need to think about is pleasing yourself," Mal told her, attempting a wise smile as she looked down at Evie. It was so out of place on Mal's normally mischievous face that Evie's first impulse was to laugh.

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