Roughin' It Part 2

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Summary: After Uma boldly and perhaps stupidly proclaims that she could handle camping easily, Mal, Evie, Audrey, Jane, and Uma end up on a camping trip that none of them were prepared for in the least. Friendship feels amongst all three girls, Huma, Jarlos, Jaudrey, Bal, and Hades father/daughter feels with Mal.

   "So, me and the guys decided we're going camping, too," Jay proclaimed as he and the other boys hauled the girls' luggage to the back of Evie's Jeep. Audrey raised an eyebrow as she eyed her boyfriend skeptically.

They were all getting ready to leave, and Mal and Evie were currently talking to Ben and Hades as they walked them out to Evie's cursed Jeep Charlene. Ben had Evie and Mal's suitcases in his hands while Hades walked along free-handed. Jane was in deep conversation with Carlos as they discussed the preparations for camping. Carlos was clutching her suitcase closely to him as if it were about to run away from him.

"Where are you camping?" Audrey asked finally, and Jay almost visibly puffed up in pride as he leaned in a bit closer to her. Against her will, Audrey's heart fluttered a bit in response to his nearness.

"Out by the Enchanted Lake," Jay proudly declared, and Uma snorted as she walked by, Harry and Gil quick at her heels as Harry leaned in front of the pink princess to throw in Uma's luggage. Audrey leaned away from him, moving into Jay's chest as she evaded Harry's arm.

Harry just raised an eyebrow at Audrey with a slight smirk as he pulled back and rejoined Uma. Audrey suddenly felt Jay's hand on her waist, and as cute as it was that Jay was jealous, Audrey knew that Harry didn't mean anything by it as he looked so reverent of Uma at this moment.

"That's for little girls," Uma told him with a joyful laugh, and Jay furrowed his brow in slight offense to her statement. Audrey smiled, enjoying Uma's jabs at the boys. So often, the guys enjoyed aggravating and getting a rise out of the girls, but it was nice to finally have an opportunity to give it back to them.

"I thought twasn't so bad," Harry admitted, narrowing his eyes as he stared at Uma carefully. Uma just grinned at him, rolling her eyes as she patted his chest affectionately.

"I honestly thought you two were better than this. Pansy wasn't in your applications for the slots of first mate and prized barnacle," Uma pointed out as she leaned against the Jeep door.

"Ooh! I get to be prized barnacle?! I thought that was CJ's job," Gil piped up, and Uma just rolled her eyes at him fondly as Harry stepped closer to her, his torso not quite touching her body.

"Oh, come, Cap'n. The Enchanted Lake isn't that close to the castle," Harry spoke, and Uma leaned in nearer to him, teasing him unashamedly as she almost let her lips touch his own before she pulled back. At this point, Gil was being completely ignored.

"Well, yeah. If you take the long way on the established road instead of just stepping out into the backyard," Uma replied, and Harry looked at her pleadingly.

Deciding to throw him a bone, Uma locked eyes with him and leaned forward, delivering a soft kiss to his lips before nibbling his bottom lip slightly. She then swiftly pulled away as she watched him with that strong love that she so rarely allowed to show in her eyes.

"Speaking of that, you girls make sure you text or call every night so we know you're okay out there," Hades told them, and Uma suddenly realized that the rest of the group was closer than she had originally anticipated. Uma quickly reined in that look of unbridled affection in hopes that no one but Harry or perhaps Gil had seen it.

However, if Audrey's smile was anything to go by, the princess had definitely seen it as well.

"Don't be such a worrywart, Dad," Mal told him dismissively and rolled her eyes. Evie raised an eyebrow at Mal fondly, knowing that the girl was independent at heart but also knowing that peace of mind for the people that cared about the faerie was important as well.

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