Auntie's Little Girl

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Summary: When Ben and Mal go out for date night, Evie comes to babysit their little girl. The only problem is that Evie is a bit of a pushover when it comes to those chubby cheeks and that adorable pout. A companion piece to "Daddy's Little Girl" and "Grandaddy's Little Girl." Bal, Evie and Mal sisterly/best friend feels, and Evie aunt feels.

   "Shh," Evie whispered, holding the hand of her little niece tightly as she tiptoed for the kitchen stealthily.

The toddler giggled adorably and put her finger to her lips to shush Evie in return. The bluenette offered the sweet girl a smile as they drew closer and closer to their target. When they were finally at the counter, Evie wrapped her arms around her and lifted her up. She sat her on the surface just beneath the cabinets as Evie carefully reached over for the cookie jar.

She had barely closed her fingers around the lid before there was a sudden voice clearing her throat. Evie winced as she shared a glance with the tiny faerie and looked over her shoulder slowly and hesitantly.

To her chagrin, it was the little imp's mother.

"Uh oh... It's Mommy," the girl looked at Evie with a comically concerned expression and Evie nodded at her partner in crime with an equally worried look. Apparently, it was to Mallory's chagrin as well.

"And what exactly are you two doing?" Mal questioned, leaning against the doorframe. Evie guiltily grinned before scooping up her niece in her arms and kissing her head as she strode over to Mal sheepishly.

"Nothing. Just looking around the kitchen. Weren't we, Mallory?" Evie asked, nuzzling the toddler's cheek and smiling widely at the laugh she was rewarded.

"Auntie Evie getting cookies!" Mallory squealed excitedly, grabbing Evie's face in her hands. Evie flashed her a look as she tried to avoid glancing at Mal.

"Angel-Baby, I thought that was our little secret," Evie whispered nervously, knowing she had been caught. Mal's expression immediately shifted to that exasperated fondness that she had every time that she found Evie hopelessly spoiling the young queen's daughter.

"Look, E, I love you, but you really need to stop indulging Mallory's every whim," Mal explained, and Evie pouted disappointedly.

"But look at this face, M! How could you not spoil something with these wittle bitty cheekies?!" Evie mollycoddled and blew a raspberry on Mallory's cheek that was nearest to her. The little one immediately went into another peal of laughter and Evie couldn't help but laugh along.

"How am I going to leave you two here by yourselves? You're going to be into absolutely everything," Mal told her, and Evie could hear the barely hidden stress in her sister's voice. The bluenette sobered somewhat and took Mal's hand in her free one.

"Hey, I won't let you down. Mally and I won't get into anything we shouldn't. I promise," Evie heartfeltly assured. The faerie eyed her skeptically, and Evie huffed. She raised an eyebrow, keeping a perfectly serious expression on her face.

"Do you need me to blow a raspberry on your cheek, too, Miss Serious?" Evie questioned and Mal's grave expression immediately broke as she chuckled at her sister.

"Gosh... What am I going to do with you two?"

"Love us?" Evie suggested, stepping forward to hug Mal and sandwiching Mallory in the middle. After only a moment, Mallory started squirming and trying to wriggle out from between them.

"Mommy! Auntie Evie! You squishing me!" Mallory cried with a giggle. Evie lovingly watched as Mal leaned in and kissed Mallory on the nose mischievously.

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