Urban Cowgirls Part 1

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Summary: The girls have gotten fed up with the boys' constant teasing, and they make a bet: the boys pick a place, and the girls will stay there for several days, doing just fine and not chickening out, which will prove their strong independence. Naturally, the place was not what the girls bargained for. Full of friendship feels among the girls with Bal, Huma, Jaudrey, and Jarlos thrown in.

   "We have an announcement to make," Mal proclaimed, Uma and Evie standing on either side of her with Audrey and Jane along with them.

All of the boys just raised an eyebrow, chuckled, and ultimately didn't take them seriously.

"Okay... Sure. Go for it," Jay cued them, moving his hand in a gesture for them to continue. Mal looked between her two best friends, unimpressed, but nudged Evie to start.

The boys had been relentless in their teasing ever since the five girls had ended up in jail from their first road trip together, and it had only gotten worse since the entire incident at Halloween and when Evie had been accidentally turned into a dog at her own hands. The five girls had taken the harassing for a while, but they were starting to get sick of it, and decided that they were going to take matters into their own hands.

They had texted the boys and insisted that they meet them in Ben's office, telling the boys that it was of the utmost importance.

Evie stepped up, her hands folded neatly as she began her piece much too formally and perfectly.

"So, after all of the incessant jeering that we have received as a result of various events in the past-"

"Here, look, I'll translate it for you," Uma interrupted.

"After you heathens done picked on us after we ended up in jail on our big trip and after we five girls started the whole thing about dying on Halloween and after Evie came back from turning into a dog, we've done some thinking and have agreed that we ain't taking your crap anymore about it," Uma proclaimed to Gil, Harry Ben, Jay, and Carlos.

"That was elegant," Evie offhandedly commented, and Uma just grinned at her sarcastically.

"Why, thank you, dearie," Uma replied with a fake curtsy.

The latter four boys all shared a mirthful glance but didn't say anything as they just smirked knowingly. Gil was the only one that wasn't grinning smugly, and they figured that he likely didn't really understand too much of what was going on. He never really kept his mind on current matters. The only reason that he was there was because he had made some comments in his dumb way that had sent the wrong messages to the five girls.

"So, what we're proposing here is a bet. A bet so good that you guys could never deny it in a million years," Mal told the four boys gathered before them, and Ben sobered, trying to look more sophisticated and less mirthful about all of the girls' previous adventures as well as their entire proposition in the first place.

"Go for it," Ben encouraged.

"Yes. We bet that we can last at least three whole days at any place of your choosing, living it rough and nasty without anything bad happening to us or without us wimping out," Audrey declared, and the other four girls nodded in agreeance.

Jay couldn't help but laugh at the group of girls, and the other boys followed along, albeit less enthusiastically than Jay. Of course, Jay was mostly cracking up because those words had come from his very perfectionist, very neat, and very proper girlfriend's mouth.

"Audrey, babe, I love you, and you know I believe in you in everything you do, but are you sure that you really know what you're signing up for?" Jay asked, not condescendingly but rather a little bit concernedly.

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