Genevieve Labrador Part 3

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Summary: Evie and Mal are looking for Mal's spell book that Celia has stolen again when a certain mishap occurs... A hairy mishap that Mal and Evie very unfortunately have to deal with. Bal, Huma, Jaudrey, Jarlos, and Core Four feels with a special emphasis on Evie and Mal's sisterly/best friend relationship.

   Mal and Evie walked through one of the lower levels of the castle where Mal had arranged a living space for everyone in her so beloved squad. Even Evie, who had her own starter castle, had a room there where her and Mal sometimes spent several nights together in reminiscence of their times in school.

Mal knew that Carlos would be in his room there because school hours had ended, and he usually came home soon after that so he could grab something to eat.

They soon reached the de Vil boy's door and Mal knocked on the door.

"Yo, Lil' C? You home?" Mal called, and she soon received a response from the other boy.

"Yeah, come in," Carlos instructed, and Mal let out a breath before opening the door, letting Evie in before entering herself.

They both quickly spotted the other boy lounged on the couch and chomping on chips as he played some video game that looked like some sort of ninja roleplay. Dude was resting on the couch nearby him, keeping a close eye out for any crumbs that might fall.

"Good grief, Mal, you should know you can just walk in. I mean, dang," Carlos told her, and Evie's ears pricked up as she homed in on the white-haired boy on the sofa.

Before Mal could say anything to the boy in warning about what he was going to see when he removed his focus from his game, Evie went bounding away from Mal's side and leapt over the side of the couch, landing right on Carlos as she proceeded to lick his face.

"WOAH! What the heck?!" Carlos cried, trying to keep from laughing as the dog's tongue covered his face in slobbery, wet kisses. Mal hurried over, grabbing Evie's shoulders and trying to pull her off of the boy.

"Woah, ho, ho, who's this?" Carlos questioned with a laugh, reaching over and rubbing Evie's ears as she licked her lips.

"Mmm, potato chips are my favorite. They're so salty and good," Evie announced before realizing in horror what she had done to Carlos. The boy's eyes went wide, and his jaw fell slack as he gaped at Evie in her dog form. Mal sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose with a hand as Carlos stared.

"Evie found my spell book, read one of the spells, and accidentally turned herself into a dog," Mal explained, and Carlos' gaze shifted up to Mal before returning to Evie carefully. After a few moments, he nodded, but then got an extremely disgusted look on his face.

"You mean Evie just licked my face?! EW!" Carlos swiftly brought his sleeves up and wiped at his face furiously. Mal shut her eyes, trying to resist the urge to laugh at the boy but at the same time sympathizing with him deeply.

"I am so sorry, Snowflake, I don't know what came over me!" Evie immediately apologized, valiantly attempting to keep her eyes on Carlos' face instead of the chip bag that was right there in front of her.

Mal noticed that Evie was actually starting to drool as she eyed the potato chips, so she picked up the bag and threw them onto the nearby counter.

"Hey!" Carlos and Evie both complained at the same time, and Mal rolled her eyes at them.

"She's been getting dog urges with this new dog form, so I thought it'd be best to try to avoid another disaster like attacking you with her tongue," Mal explained her actions and Carlos nodded to her before studying Evie carefully.

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