Genevieve Labrador Part 1

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Summary: Evie and Mal are looking for Mal's spell book that Celia has stolen again when a certain mishap occurs... A hairy mishap that Mal and Evie very unfortunately have to deal with. Bal, Huma, Jaudrey, Jarlos, and Core Four feels with a special emphasis on Evie and Mal's sisterly/best friend relationship.

"Would you go away?! I don't know you or like you!" Mal yelled in pure frustration at the charcoal colored Labrador that had been following her for what felt like forever. It laid its ears back and stopped for a moment, but it nevertheless resumed its travelling along behind her. Mal groaned loudly and kept walking, trying to think of some way to rid herself of this creature.

Honestly, it was starting to seriously creep her out. It was simply really strange. It never acted as if it would harm her at all, but it never stopped following her at that safe distance. Mal was actually pretty afraid of dogs, but she was trying to put on a brave face so it wouldn't sense her fear and eat her or something.

Mal narrowed her eyes in irritation, wondering where Evie had gotten off to.

Evie was supposed to have been helping Mal look for Mal's spell book that Celia had once again thought was a good idea to take from the museum. Celia loved to steal the spell book and turn simple peanut butter sandwiches into large spreads of deliciousness. She also wanted to try out very strange hairstyles that only Mal's spell book could possibly conjure. Mal seriously had to have a talk with the Facilier, because this stealing magical artifacts for selfish reasons just couldn't keep happening.

Additionally, Mal guessed that she had absolutely no patience for the dog because she was in such a mood as a result of Celia's crazy shenanigans.

However, before she could ponder this much longer, the dog that had been plaguing her not too long after Evie had been gone rushed in front of her and sat down. Mal stopped and stared at the creature, looking into its eyes as she huffed. She swallowed, trying to keep from bolting or showing any of the fear that was currently rapidly coursing through her veins as a result of its proximity.

"Move," Mal commanded angrily. The dog tilted its head to the side but held her gaze with its own strangely beautiful mocha colored eyes. Mal furrowed her brow as she considered those eyes. They really reminded Mal of someone that she was near and dear to, and she just couldn't quite place it.

Mal looked at the dog for a little longer and didn't really know what to think of the creature. However, before she could even begin to attempt to consider the animal any further, it moved closer to her, wagging its tail. Mal furrowed her brow, and the pet gently nosed her hand with its snout.

The faerie automatically pulled back from the dog, wiping the wetness of its nose from her skin with a frown. The dog whimpered at her, edging even closer so that its chest was practically touching her knees as she looked down at it.

Mal looked down at it quizzically and after only a moment noticed that something was glinting on its neck. Mal hesitantly started to lower herself down to its level so she could better examine the foreign object on the dog's neck. It shifted a bit in its place on the ground in the midst of its excitement, but it mostly stayed perfectly still as Mal dropped to her knees.

Mal reached out, touching the collar around its neck tentatively and recognizing it quickly. She had bought it for Evie just the other day.

"Why did Evie put her necklace on you?" Mal questioned, halfway to the animal and halfway to herself. Mal then looked into the dog's eyes once again and suddenly pinpointed exactly where she had seen that eye color before.

She took in a sharp breath as the reality of the situation suddenly collapsed on her in a heavy heap of surprise.

"Evie?" Mal questioned, her eyes wide. The silvery animal jumped up in its happiness, barking in excitement as she surged forward, licking Mal's nose. Mal absently wiped the slobber away as she just stared at the dog that was supposedly her sister.

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