We Are Off to See the Wizard Part 14

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Summary: Audrey's Annual Halloween Bash is coming up, and Evie has thought of a rather interesting costume idea for the Core Four. Several of their friends get pulled into the epiphany, too. It's super fluffy with Huma, Jaudrey, Bal, Jarlos, Core Four fluff, and Mal and Hades father/daughter feels.

   "Y'know, at this rate, we're all going to die," Uma announced, pushing between Harry and the counter as she rushed around in an attempt to see how close to cooled that the chocolate pie was in the refrigerator.

Mal and Evie were rolling dough for cookies, and Jay and Carlos were trying to make chocolate chip muffins. Audrey and Jane were attempting desperately to mix a small vanilla cake, but Audrey kept getting grossed out at the very sight of the gooeyness in the bowl. Gil and Harry were following Uma around, trying to help her with whatever they could.

"Be positive!" Evie sing-songed just as Uma placed her hand on the refrigerator door handle. Uma spun to face the other girl, her fist still locked around the door as she mustered a sweet, completely fake smile.

"Okay, then... I'm positively sure we're going to die at this rate!" Uma proclaimed in a sickeningly sweet tone before yanking open the refrigerator. She placed her hand on the pie pan and pulled it back quickly in frustration upon feeling that the pie was still very much hot.

"Dangit! How long is this thing going to take?!" Uma cried as Harry reached an arm over her shoulder in an attempt to stick his finger in it to lick. Uma quickly grabbed his wrist and threw him a warning glance.

"Don't touch the pie," Uma instructed. He raised an eyebrow at her in questioning. "It's hot."

"How much more time do we have, E?" Mal questioned, glancing around at the various different pies and other confections they had surrounding them and taking a mental count that tallied up to around six different sets of foods.

However, that wasn't counting the absolutely gorgeous cake that they had made as a centerpiece. It was a beautiful harvest orange with multiple colored leaves around the sides, and it had three tiers, all resting on top of one another in a wonderful crown jewel of appeasing goodness. Between Evie and Audrey, the entire cake was a work of art.

Now they were just trying to wrap up the smaller things.

"About forty minutes," Evie immediately answered, rolling out the dough swifter than ever.

Mal immediately sprang into action, leaping for the things that they had already made. They needed to get their desserts to the séance location so they could offer them to the spirits. She knew that they had way less than they had originally planned for, hence Uma's skepticism about their livelihoods, but it would have to suffice.

"Okay, we don't have time for this. We need to leave now," Mal announced, handing a pan of cookies to the nearest person to her besides Evie which happened to be Gil. Mal pointed a stern finger at him in warning. "Do not eat those."

Gil nodded quickly, despite his longing glance thrown at the confections. Mal nodded once in response, and she started handing several different pans to the people that had lined up around her. Jay quickly took a pan of chocolate chip cookies from her, and Carlos grabbed two pans of blueberry and strawberry muffins. Harry held an apple pie in his hands as well as the pesky chocolate pie from the refrigerator, his hook stuffed in one of the looser pockets of his jacket, and Jane took a peach cobbler from the counter.

Evie, Mal, and Uma very carefully took the masterpiece that Audrey and Evie had so diligently decorated, and they started to move out toward the front of the castle. Audrey walked in front of the group, directing them as she opened different doors to let the dessert-carriers through.

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