We Are Off to See the Wizard Part 9

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Summary: Audrey's Annual Halloween Bash is coming up, and Evie has thought of a rather interesting costume idea for the Core Four. Several of their friends get pulled into the epiphany, too. It's super fluffy with Huma, Jaudrey, Bal, Jarlos, Core Four fluff, and Mal and Hades father/daughter feels.

   "Let me out o' 'ere!" Harry cried out just as Uma came to a halt in front of the school. As soon as she slowed enough, he swiftly unbuckled and practically jumped out of the cab that he was in. Gil just laughed joyfully, enjoying every minute of the way too fast, way too dangerous driving that Uma had just done.

Jay and Audrey whizzed by quickly, and Uma could easily hear her very loud protests. She smirked at the pink princess's expense, figuring that Jay was taking the girl for a lap around the block just to mess with her.

"Oi, I might kiss the ground," Harry breathed in relief, interrupting her enjoyment of Audrey's misfortunes, and Uma rolled her eyes as she turned the key, shutting off the motorcycle.

"Oh, shut up, Chicken Little. You weren't that close to dying,"

"Was that before or after you nearly ran over in the other lane as a lost big-rig was heading your way?" Mal questioned, full of snark as she dismounted her bike. Uma just huffed in response, choosing not to express her feelings verbally as she grabbed Harry by the back of his coat and started trying to drag him to his feet.

"Come on, you wuss," Uma told him, and he stood up quickly. Uma took hold of his shoulder in one hand and started dusting him off with the other, trying to clear whatever dirt that he could have gotten on him.

"Man, you are nasty! Boy, I didn't drive through that much debris!" Uma exclaimed.

Harry just enveloped her in his arms, successfully displacing whatever dirt he could get on her. Uma pushed back halfheartedly, trying to get away, but she ended up just holding onto him back, sticking her tongue out and trying to touch it to his face to aggravate him. However, he just laughed at her, moving his head back every time she hopped up to lick him.

Mal rolled her eyes before turning to Evie and locking her arm with hers, pulling her out of the cab. Evie stepped out with Mal's force and examined herself closely in her mirror. Mal winced, noticing what the pothole in the road had caused Evie to do to herself.

"Did the bump mess it up too bad?" Mal asked with a slight wince as Evie furiously started dabbing tan onto her face where the brown had been streaked.

"Don't worry, I can fix it if I'm quick," Evie assured her, and Mal watched as the blemish almost magically disappeared before her very eyes. Mal pursed her lips in an expression conveying just how impressed she was with Evie's work.

"Wow, nice. This girl's got mad skills," Mal joked, throwing her hands up with a mischievous grin, and Evie laughed at her silliness.

Jay finally drove up, revving his motor loudly with a smirk on his face. Mal shook her head at him, unable to resist smiling in response to his craziness. Audrey was clung on tightly to him, her fingers digging into his chest and her arms practically stuck to his sides as she held on for dear life.

"So, how was that, foxy?" Jay questioned and Audrey's eyes shot open as she realized that the motorcycle had finally stopped and that she thankfully wouldn't die today. She swiftly slapped the back of his helmet before dismounting the motorcycle in the midst of her anger.

Mal shared a glance with Evie who was just beside her and Ben who had just materialized nearby and they started to move away from the couple. Carlos quickly followed the three. Uma raised an eyebrow, but ultimately decided she really didn't want anything to do with the conflict either and she whistled, snapping her fingers and calling her crewmates over to her so they could get away.

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