No Space Between Part 2

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Summary: What if Mal never got into the limo heading back to Auradon in D2? What if Mal had stayed on the Isle? What would've happened to Evie? Let's just say that Evie may have made promises about spaces between, but she had no intention of keeping them. Bal, Core Four family feels, small, tiny, and barely miniscule hints of Bevie, and tons of Mal and Evie best friend angst and fluff.

   Mal sighed deeply, sitting up from her position lying down on Evie's bed at the secret lair, and rubbing at her bloodshot eyes as she looked at the doorway for what seemed like the millionth time.

All that night, Mal hadn't been able to rest easily. For some reason, she had been experiencing the oddest of feelings that night and she kept thinking that someone was going to show up in the hideout.

This week hadn't been at all the relaxing vacation that she had hoped. Instead, ever since that Evie and the rest had left, Mal had been perfectly miserable. She didn't want to go back to Auradon, of course. She couldn't. But there was something or someone that she desperately wanted from Auradon.

Mal ran her hand across the bed, fingering the worn patches where Evie had used the edging of the bed as a pincushion one too many times. She felt a horrible ache as she raked her eyes up the bed where she gazed at the deep blue blanket.

Mal shook her head, standing up from the bed as she made the decision to physically leave the object that was bringing her so much grief. She had originally been laying on her own bed, but by the end of the first night, she had ended up in Evie's.

This loneliness was killing her. She missed the boys and she missed Evie. She hated what she had done to Ben, but there was no other way. They needed a break, and she could see that now. She needed to get these things straight in her mind and she needed to have a chance to evaluate her life as of now.

But she didn't want a break from Evie and the boys. Honestly, at this point, she'd take any of her beloved three, but she really, really wanted Evie.

Evie always knew what to say. She always could make Mal smile and she could always make Mal feel better in the worst of times. Mal knew that she didn't want to stay on the Isle forever, but she at least wanted to stay long enough to have time to think about what had happened and figure out if she was truly ready to be with Ben any longer.

Mal came into the room where she had been working on her most recent masterpiece. She had been painting a mural recently of Evie, and she was trying to make it look just like Evie. Just as perfect, flawless, and wholeheartedly loving as the real Evie.

Mal looked behind her quickly, noticing that the feeling had successfully came back to her once again. It was frustrating because the feeling was tied in with a dash of hope and excited anticipation. Mal growled underneath her breath as she felt that hope fly out the window as she didn't see anything.

She didn't know what she was even hoping for. But truthfully, deep down, she did. She knew she was hoping that by some miracle, someone was coming back so she wouldn't be completely alone.

"Get it together, Mal. That's not happening, and you know it," Mal muttered, chastising herself for being so silly as to hope for something like that.

Mal reached back, grabbing her paint can. She guessed that she couldn't go to sleep with this feeling, so she'd stay awake and do something useful with her mind. Maybe she'd even get tired enough to go to sleep.

Mal shook the can vigorously, prepping it for spraying as she paced slowly and looked up at her artwork.

She had so far finished Evie's hair and some of her outfit. Ironically, the outfit was the precise one that she had last seen Evie wear in Auradon. She wanted to cement Evie in her mind at her happiest. Not as the Isle girl that she had seen Evie pretend to be several days ago, but as the Auradon girl that Mal knew that Evie was.

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