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Summary: Ben and Mal finally get married. Bal, Core Four feels, Jaudrey, Huma, and Jarlos.

   "M, you look positively stunning," Evie complimented for what seemed like the millionth time as they stood and got ready, Evie doing a few very last minute touches on the enormously huge dress that Mal was currently wearing.

It was finally the day. Mal was going to get married to Ben, and what seemed like half the kingdom was there. The Hooks, the Charmings, the de Vils, the Faciliers, the Tremaines, the Dwarves, and tons more families of infamous villains and famous heroes were there, assembled in what they each respectively considered proper wedding attire. Which essentially meant that all of the Auradon people were dressed in pastels and all of the Isle people were dressed in the finest, most well-oiled leathers.

Nevertheless, it was perfect in the best way that they all could manage considering Ben and Mal's very different backgrounds.

They had arranged everyone perfectly. Mal had selected her bridesmaids to be Audrey, Uma, and Jane with Evie as her maid of honor and wedding planner. Ben had chosen his groomsmen to be Gil, Harry, and Carlos with Jay as his best man.

Ultimately, they had surrounded themselves with the most important people in their lives.

"Thank you, Evie," Mal expressed, and noted that Evie just kept fussing over the dress and examining it closely. Mal pursed her lips and eyed Evie lovingly. She wasted no time in reaching down and grabbing Evie's hands that were currently picking at a bit of tulle on Mal's dress.

Evie stopped to look at the faerie and Mal noticed that she was once again nearly in tears. Mal smiled softly at her sister and her best friend in the entire world as she squeezed Evie's hands.

Evie had been crying off and on throughout the entire morning, and while Mal found it very sweet and endearing that it meant so much to Evie, she really wished that the girl would stop. It was starting to make Mal want to cry as well.

"Are you okay?" Mal asked, and Evie just grinned, sniffling a bit as a tear managed to escape her.

"Yes, yes, I'm okay. I'm fine," Evie assured her.

"E, I kind of think that you're more worried about this than I am," Mal acknowledged, and Evie just chuckled in response to the girl.

"No, no, you should be the one that's worried. Well, maybe not worried, I want you to be calm. But regardless, you're about to walk down the aisle in," Evie glanced at the clock on the wall. Her eyes widened before she turned back to look at the faerie.

"Oh, my gosh! In five minutes!" Evie yelped, surging to look at Mal's dress as she examined it madly.

"Evie, hey, calm down," Mal spoke, grabbing her best friend's shoulders, and Evie froze as she eyed Mal carefully. She smiled slightly, and Mal grinned a bit in response.

"Deep breath," Mal spoke, and Evie nodded, sighing, before she took Mal's face in her hands.

"Are you nervous, M?"

"Yes. Very terrified, but not quite as emotional about it as you," Mal teased, allowing a nervous giggle to escape her. Evie just tilted her head slightly before stroking Mal's cheeks with her thumbs.

"There is nothing to be terrified of, angel. Nothing will be different after this between you and Ben besides the fact that you'll be living together. This is just an official thing. You have to get through official things just so things can get back to normal," Evie spoke, and Mal nodded slowly, taking in Evie's words with a slight nod.

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