Roughin' It Part 5

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Summary: After Uma boldly and perhaps stupidly proclaims that she could handle camping easily, Mal, Evie, Audrey, Jane, and Uma end up on a camping trip that none of them were prepared for in the least. Friendship feels amongst all three girls, Huma, Jarlos, Jaudrey, Bal, and Hades father/daughter feels with Mal.

   "Uma, if you think we're going to stick it out through this, then you are sorely mistaken!" Audrey cried, and Uma simply snorted in reply as she took a swig of a can of soda. The raccoons had fortunately not taken any of the soda cans. It was presumably because the aluminum was not edible.

Ever since the other four had awoken this morning, Audrey had been fussing and ranting and raging about how she could not possibly under any conditions remain at the campsite. Even Jane appeared as if she had her fill of the complaining, despite the fact that she seemed to agree with Audrey's opinions on the subject of remaining at the campsite.

"Well, then why don't you call ol' Alfalfa to come pick you up?" Uma suggested, and she finished off her can with a lick of her lips.

"I have no internet connection, Uma! NONE! And his name's Alfred!" Audrey cried, correcting Uma about the butler's name, and the pirate shrugged with a grin as she stood up from her place on a log near the fire pit. Audrey shook her head rapidly as she started to pace.

"We have no food! We have no way to get food! We're going to starve!" Audrey exclaimed dramatically, and Mal raised an eyebrow at her.

"And more importantly, we have no wifi!" All of the girls just stared at Audrey, unimpressed with her prioritizing. Audrey shrugged a bit, crossing her arms over her chest somewhat defensively as she huffed.

"Food was the dealbreaker, though," Audrey proclaimed haughtily, and Uma rolled her eyes as she straightened and looked around the campsite.

"Now, princess, the way I look at it is that animals manage to eat out here, so we can, too," Uma explained, and Audrey just stared at the pirate as if she were completely out of her mind.

"But those are animals! We are people! And some of us are people with very refined palates and sophisticated diets!" Audrey whined, and Evie raised her eyebrows as she looked at Mal from their position sitting on the other side of the fire.

"Talk about a drama queen," Evie murmured to Mal, and Mal grinned mischievously at her best friend as she nudged the bluenette's shoulder.

"I don't think you have any room to talk, Jimbo-spotter," Mal referenced what had happened just that past night, and Evie looked at Mal affectionately with a tilt of her head.

"But I'm not that bad," Evie chuckled, and Mal shook her head with a slight shrug.

"Sometimes," Mal deadpanned, holding back her smile as she messed with Evie.

"Sometimes?!" Evie faked offense as she looked over at her little sister with a playful gaze. Mal just wrapped an arm around Evie affectionately, giving her a quick squeeze of reassurance.

"I love you, though," Mal assured her lovingly, and Evie beamed as Mal pulled away slightly to keep talking to her.

"Yo, Siamese twins?!" Uma interrupted their talking quickly, and the two looked at Uma, curious as to what she wanted.

"I'm going to go and find us some food. Y'all gonna help?" Uma questioned, and Mal nodded, getting up to accompany Uma. Evie quickly followed, ready to help Mal with anything she needed.

"No, no! Mal, you tell her we're going home now!" the pink princess demanded, and Mal watched Audrey for a moment before shaking her head regretfully.

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