A Darned Good Dream to Have

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Summary: During his engagement party with Mal, Ben is having some hard times coping with a stubborn, lasting affection that he just can't seem to rid himself of. He resolves to tell her if only to let it go for himself. Bal but mostly Bevie, and it's a little angsty so enjoy it, all you gluttons for punishment. XD It's totally separate from my other fanfics, so call it a little experiment.

Ben laughed as he spun Mal around in his arms.

"So, husband-to-be, how are you?" Mal asked him. Ben leaned in and kissed her nose with a smile.

"Well, my wife-to-be, I am doing quite splendidly. It might be because of the company I keep," he winked, and Mal rolled her eyes, enjoying his cheesiness despite her dismissal.

"Now, now, Chad's going to be jealous if you keep it up. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were old Charming's long-lost son," Mal ribbed with a grin and Ben lovingly eyed her.

Ben couldn't be luckier. Mal was a shining beacon of beauty- his gorgeous soon-to-be queen. It was a miracle to have found her and had such a connection with her that he did. Mal was truly a blessing to him and he was looking so forward to spending the rest of his life with her.

However, and he hoped his girl did not notice, his eyes did wander that night to someone that he most assuredly should not have been looking at on the day of his own engagement party. A good fiancé would not have done it. A good man would not have done it.

But he just couldn't keep his eyes off of the absolutely stunning bluenette in the room.

Evie had an entirely different shine than Mal had. When she smiled, she practically glowed with fondness and kindness that was entirely unique to her. Every contour of her face practically screamed the innate love that was so limitless and abundant.

Ben loved Mal, but when he saw Evie, his heart skipped a beat in that frustrating flighty pattern that he tried so hard to keep away. Because that flutter was not right. It was not meant to be.

"Ben, I've got to go to the bathroom, and I've got to go figure out what happened to Jay and drag his sorry butt here," Mal informed him. Ben nodded, bowing deeply and kissing her hand tenderly.

She grinned at him with pure, unadulterated joy, and she hurried off in the opposite direction, disappearing in the crowd.

Ben's smile slowly faded when she was out of sight, his heart dropping somewhat as he realized that he had absolutely nothing to distract him from gaping at Evie. He bit his bottom lip, but before he could contemplate anything much further, the bluenette in question was making her way toward him with that sweet, easygoing grin on her face.

He was simultaneously very happy to see her and very unhappy to see her.

"Hey, you!" Evie greeted, hugging him as she approached. His eyes went wide as her arms wrapped around him and he involuntarily took in a heaping helping of the almost intoxicating flowery scent of her hair. Of course, he should've expected nothing less from her. She was very liberal with her physical affection when one was counted among the people that she cared about most. That was perhaps one of the things that he found most attractive about her.

Ben fortunately thought to bring his arms up to hug her in return and she quickly pulled away after just a moment, looking around for everyone.

"So, where did M go?" Evie questioned, looking around and no doubt scouring the crowd for the other girl. Ben chuckled lightly at her.

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