We Are Off to See the Wizard Part 11

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Summary: Audrey's Annual Halloween Bash is coming up, and Evie has thought of a rather interesting costume idea for the Core Four. Several of their friends get pulled into the epiphany, too. It's super fluffy with Huma, Jaudrey, Bal, Jarlos, Core Four fluff, and Mal and Hades father/daughter feels.

   "Explain this!" Audrey demanded, dragging Mal and Uma out the door behind her as she nearly had a fit in front of everyone. Evie followed along, trying diligently to remain on her feet and to keep a much too eager Gil from helping her get outside.

Mal and Uma were finally released once they were both in the face of the totally marred pumpkin patch that they were primarily responsible for. Mal bit her lip, rocking on her heels in minor shame as her arm shot out to sturdy Evie who had just nearly stumbled into her. Uma, however, was a completely different story and she looked back at Audrey with a giant grin.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Uma cheekily grinned, winking at Harry as she caught his gaze. He smiled back at her just as wickedly, nudging Gil in a cue to take a stand for their captain. Halfway against her better judgement, Mal let out a sharp bark of laughter in response to her partner in crime's audacity and undeniable guts in replying to the pink princess with such a carefree demeanor.

Audrey's eyes widened as she gaped at the incorrigible daughter of Ursula.

"My pumpkin patch is ruined because of you two!!!" Audrey screeched in her complete and absolute lividness.

"Well, our fun is ruined because of you," Uma sarcastically replied with a chuckle, seemingly unbothered by Audrey's overwhelming anger.

"ARGH!!! Now my guests have nothing to carry home with them to commemorate their time at the party!"

"The pumpkins would've rotted anyway, and then how would they commemorate your event? They'd just show that this party was a stinky mess of mold. So, technically, me and Mal did you a favor," Uma informed her before faking a bow and just ticking the girl off further. "You're welcome."

Audrey just stared at Uma, absolutely fuming to the point that Mal wouldn't be surprised if steam started to fly out of her ears.

She took one more look at the pumpkin patch and her gaze zeroed in on the sight of Evie's lonely pumpkin in the midst of a swamp of Mal and Uma decorated ones. Her eyes widened in anger and betrayal and she spun to look at Evie.

"You were in on this, too?!!!" Audrey demanded, and Evie brought her dazed eyes to look at the other girl.

"I was in on what?" Evie questioned, trying to collect herself in the midst of her splitting headache that had just started. Uma rolled her eyes at the bluenette but grinned, fully proud of her positively wicked antics.

Audrey stared at the three of them, completely furious. However, before Mal could truly even register the change, Audrey's expression morphed from unbridled rage to the beginnings of tears in her eyes.

Uma lost whatever humor she may have had at the expense of the pink princess in favor of complete bafflement. She didn't actually intend for the other girl to cry over it. Sure, she aimed for anger, but never crying.

"I can't believe all of you!!!" Audrey cried, finally bursting into tears before turning swiftly and stomping off in the direction of the ballroom, most definitely heading toward her dorm.

Jay had just managed to get through all of the people and he made it to the door as Audrey arrived. Jay started to say something to her, but she quickly shoved past the Tin-Man, her giant pink dress squished between her boyfriend and the doorway as she disappeared somewhere inside, her entire body shaken by sobs. Jay raised his eyebrows in a mixture of worry and shock, and he looked back at the lot of them.

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