We Are Off to See the Wizard Part 3

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   Jay sighed as he closed his eyes. This was as boring as could be.

Jay liked to think of himself as a good boyfriend, and he did lots of things for his girlfriend just because she asked him to. But this had to be the worst thing ever, he couldn't help but note as he wriggled uncomfortably in his place on the floor.

It seemed that Audrey had dragged him here for what he perceived as simply a reason for her to prattle on about her party and whatever else came to her mind.

"Hey, are you even listening?" a voice suddenly interrupted his thoughts. Speak of the Queen of Mean.

Jay looked up at his girlfriend from his significantly lower vantage point. Her eyebrow was raised in an expression of her unimpressed sentiments.

"Yeah, I'm talking to you," she told him after he gazed back at her with a questioning look.

"What do you need, hot lips?" Jay asked her, unashamedly admiring her form as he spoke. As he expected, her face turned somewhat red in response to his flirting, but she forced herself to quickly recover.

"I want to know what you think of the decorations," Audrey informed as she stepped aside so he could look behind her at the boxes upon boxes of sparkly garland and whatnot that she had ordered to be brought in for her party.

"It looks like a lot of them?" Jay tried, unsure of what exactly she wanted from him as he sat up to get a better look at what she had.

"I know that, you dummy," she told him with exasperation, but he could easily detect the fondness in her voice. "I'm talking about how pretty they are."

"Oh, that. Well, they're beautiful, but not as gorgeous as you," Jay cheekily remarked. Audrey grinned at him, bending down and taking his chin in her hand as she gave him his reward for doing what she wanted.

"Good answer," Audrey complimented as she pulled away from his lips with an audible smack.

"Wow, I'm going to have to give you some more good answers, foxy," Jay winked at her and she found herself somewhat flustered as she arose quickly.

"These last-minute decorations are just the thing we need to really spice up my big Halloween bash. Ooh! And just wait until you see the costumes I have for us!" Audrey exclaimed with the greatest of eagerness. Jay raised an eyebrow as he stood up.

"Okay... I'll bite. What are they?" Jay asked.

"Only the most wonderful costumes that will completely outdo anything that anyone else could think of," Audrey excitedly answered.

"But that doesn't tell me anything about what we're actually wearing," Jay chuckled as he grabbed her waist in his hands, drawing her closer to him to lean his forehead against her own. She made some noise between a contented hum and a giggle as she gripped his forearms in her much smaller hands.

"If I told you, would it be a surprise anymore?" Audrey questioned sweetly, looking into his eyes with mischievous adoration.

"No, but I can still act surprised," Jay replied with a rascally look that was just as wicked as her own.

"You're terrible!" Audrey giggled and he just moved forward a bit, kissing her nose.

"Well, I do have certain ways to persuade it out of you," Jay told her as he moved over to slowly and deliberately plant kisses on her right cheek and jawbone. She sucked in a breath, allowing him to continue for a moment, but quickly pulled back a bit, his mouth following her like a moth to a flame.

"Come on, we have work to do. I need your help putting these up," Audrey tried to distract him from his mission. He didn't heed her instructions in the least and remained focused on his work. The torturous satisfaction went on for several more minutes before she finally brought an end to it by conceding to his wishes.

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