Finding Charlene Part 6

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Summary: Evie suffers a horrible accident with her car, and Mal and the others have to handle the consequences. But no one could have expected the horrendous loss than came from that accident.

   "Evie!" Mal called out in a scold, and Evie's eyes went wide as she used her free hand to hide the object behind her back and attempt to look innocent as she leaned against the counter.

"Hmm?" Evie hummed in response, pulling off her sweetest face as she looked at Mal. Mal raised an eyebrow, but she honestly couldn't even find herself that mad at Evie. She was entirely too excited for what she was about to show the girl in just a few minutes.

Uma, Audrey, and Jane had all went to Golding's Auto Shop to pick up Charlene 2.0, and they were supposed to be on their way back soon. Mal was staying with Evie as she had been for the past few days, and she was going to keep Evie occupied until they brought 2.0 in the yard and covered it with a sheet.

After the accident, Mal had absolutely refused to take her eyes off of Evie, and it was only partly due to the need to keep watch over the injured girl. It was primarily because of her intense fear as a result of Evie's crash. It was an emotion that had seemed to be carrying over in the next few days, and it made Mal especially jittery and needy in the concern that she wanted to be near Evie all the time.

Of course, given Evie's personality, it was heaven for Evie. Mal could easily see that Evie reveled in the attention and ate it up just as hungrily as she did whenever Mal offered it to her.

So now Mal was standing here in the kitchen, face-to-face with an extremely guilty Genevieve as she barely kept the smile of excitement off of her face so Evie wouldn't get suspicious or start questioning things.

"What's behind your back?" Mal finally asked her, and Evie shook her head.

"Nothing! Nothing at all," Evie assured Mal, putting on one of those giant one-thousand-watt grins. Mal couldn't help but disappointedly notice that it did not meet Evie's eyes despite the brightness of the smile.

Mal raised an eyebrow at Evie, and Evie's grin slightly faded as she pursed her lips a bit, trying to look at least somewhat convincing.

Mal came closer to Evie, deciding that she'd trick Evie into exposing her actions. Mal offered Evie a hug, extending her arms, and Evie wasted no time in returning the sentiment from her position leaned against the counter. Evie rested her head on top of Mal's, and as soon as Mal could feel that Evie had completely sunk into the hug, Mal reached around the bluenette and grabbed the utensil on the counter.

"Aha!" Mal cried as she pulled away from Evie, holding up the fork in her hand. Evie was immediately terribly and awfully sheepish, and she looked between the fork and Mal somewhat embarrassedly.

"I told you not to scratch under your cast with a fork. That's just going to irritate it," Mal chastised, and Evie just chuckled a bit, truly having nothing to say for herself. Mal tossed the fork into the sink, and Evie looked longingly after it. Mal then took Evie good arm and led her toward the living room so that they could sit down.

"Y'know, I can't believe that I'm the one telling you to behave," Mal sighed deeply as she leaned her head against Evie. Evie reciprocated the gesture, chuckling lightly, and Mal considered it a great victory considering how Evie had been the past few days.

"That really is amazing, isn't it?" Evie replied, and Mal looked up at her and stuck her tongue out, almost licking Evie's face, and Evie just leaned away slightly. Evie just gazed down at Mal affectionately from her craned neck's position as they both sat down on the couch together.

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