Oh, Baby, Baby Part 4

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Summary: Mal is sleeping over at Evie's place one night when she ends up sleepwalking and sleep-eating. Naturally, this leads to trouble. But the type of trouble it caused was what no one could have expected. Let's just say Mal's being a real "baby" about it. Mal and Evie friendship/sister feels, Uma friendship feels with Mal and Evie, Core Four feels, Bal, Huma, Jarlos, and Jaudrey.

  "How long is this going to take?" Mal whined, and Uma checked her phone instinctually in hopes of seeing that it was 12:00 PM or at least getting closer to nightfall, despite the fact that she logically could see that it was nowhere near sundown.

It was 10:34 AM. Only 10:34 AM. Uma could almost scream. She felt like she had been dealing with this kid and her whining for hours. Realistically, it had been a little more than one hour, but Uma was exhausted and tired of taking care of a child despite the fact that they had barely gotten through much of the day ahead of them.

Of course, her whining had died down since Evie and Uma had started trading her around and taking turns piggy-back riding her.

At this moment, Evie was the one carrying her, and they could see the beginnings of the large concrete brick fencing around the edges of the park. Mal was resting her head on Evie's back as Evie hauled her along without complaint. However, Uma knew Evie had to be getting tired. Uma could see it from the way that Evie's peppy walk had reduced significantly in energetic optimism.

"M, we're almost there, you see it?" Evie asked, and Uma could now hear the exhaustion in her voice. However, Mal immediately perked up, raising her head up so she could see what Evie was talking about. Mal's face lit up in a grin and she pointed at the park.

"Run, Evie, run!" Mal called, and Evie's posture visibly slumped at the thought of having to run all the way there, despite the fact that it wasn't so far away.

"Mal... Can't we walk, please?" Evie asked, and Uma was mostly certain that at this point that Evie was practically begging for some manner of easiness from the child.

But Mal was not a merciful person.

"Hurry, Evie!" Mal cried, and Evie sighed deeply before starting to walk just a bit faster and almost jog. Uma sighed, keeping up with them easily, because contrary to Evie's belief, the bluenette was not moving fast.

When they finally reached the gate to the park, all three of them were wide-eyed at the sights that they were currently looking upon.

"Wow," Mal whispered, and Evie's just nodded a bit as they all gaped at the festival that had come to town.

There was an innumerable amount of activities in the park at this point. There was a ball pit, one of those super trampolines that one had to be strapped in to use, a bouncy house, and what appeared to be some types of carnival games. Evie and Uma shared a slow glance as Mal started demanding that Evie let her down.

"E, put me down! Hey, come on! We're going to go and check out that place! I mean, I'm an adult and everything, but how many times do you have the chance to get in a ball pit?" Mal asked as she tried to make Evie let her go.

Evie didn't have a single problem with taking Mal over to go and look as well as play the games and do the activities, but what she did have a problem with was the fact that she had just remembered a piece of vital information. Jay and Carlos had been talking about taking Audrey and Jane to the festival on a date.

Which would make it very hard to keep Mal's current condition a secret from them.

Evie knew that there were plenty of opportunities for the three of them to get caught by surprise at the festival. However, she also was aware that the crowds of people could work to the three girls' advantage.

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