Babysitting with the In-Law

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Summary: After Evie deems that Mal needs a break from her duties as a new mother, Ben is left to babysit and spend some time with Mallory. However, when Hades comes over after hearing that Ben's with Hades' grandchild, things get interesting. Bal, Mal and Evie sisterly feels, and overall family feels.

   "Ben, you've got her bottle, right? And you know where the formula is?" Mal questioned, and Ben nodded, smiling at his wife as she gathered her purse and her things before she left out the door.

Ben was supposed to be watching Mallory, Mal's and his beautiful baby girl that he was honestly still so amazed by every day, while Mal and Evie went out to go and spend time together. Evie had insisted upon it, and Mal had originally been not as enthusiastic about the idea as Evie. However, the closer that it came to go out, the more Mal was ready and impatient to go. However, if Evie's current position was anything to judge by, Evie had now taken Mal's original stance on the subject.

Evie was standing nearby Ben and Mal, holding sweet baby Mallory there in her arms as she kissed her cheek fondly, nuzzling her as she practically drowned the baby with her love. But Mallory was undoubtedly eating it up, giggling with each kiss Evie pressed to her cheek. Evie was giggling with her, enjoying the game as much as the baby in her arms.

"You know where diapers are?" Mal checked and Ben offered a gesture of affirmation.

"Yes, ma'am," Ben told her.

"And emergency numbers?"

"Of course."

"And you are aware of where the medicine is?"

"Definitely," Ben assured her, and Mal nodded, lingering next to Evie as she furrowed her brow in thought.

"E? Am I missing anything?"

"I don't know. All I'm missing are these wittle bitty chubby baby cheeks," Evie baby-talked Mallory, cooing at her lovingly, and Mallory squealed with delight as Evie rubbed her nose against Mallory's face.

Mal eyed the two fondly before leaning over and kissing Mallory's cheek. Evie looked at Mal and grinned, playfully kissing Mal's cheek when she was nearby. Mal snorted, enjoying Evie's attention despite how randomly placed.

Ben looked at the three of them fondly, loving to see his three most favorite girls that he each viewed so differently being so happy with each other. Mal hugged Evie from the side as she stroked Mallory's hair. She then started to take Mallory from Evie gently, and Evie very begrudgingly pouted as she had to give up her niece.

Mal handed Mallory to Ben, a serious expression on her face.

"I am entrusting you with my most prized possession. Don't let anything happen to it," Mal told him, and Ben smiled at her, cradling the baby in his arms as he leaned forward to kiss Mal.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen," Ben assured her, kissing her quickly. Evie looked at Mal sweetly and Mal nodded to her, the two linking arms and starting out the door as they launched into that usual comfortable, easy conversation that they were always so famous for having.

Ben shut it behind them carefully, holding his baby in his arms as she conversed along in her usual gibberish.

"So, honey, just you and me," Ben announced, and Mallory reached up, squeezing his chin with her small fingers. Ben chuckled as he held her, trying to figure out what they could do. Ben didn't have a clue what to do with a baby. He had no idea whatsoever, but he nevertheless wanted to find something to spend time with her doing.

"Would you like Daddy to read to you?" Ben asked her sweetly, and Mallory just started with her usual gibberish. Ben nodded, guessing that was as close to a yes as he was going to get.

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