A2 C80 - Last Wave

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Chu Xinian lowered his eyes slowly. Under the faint glow of the candlelight, he was dressed in white clothes, like an immortal, his thoughts drifting away, as if thinking of someone.

Who are you for?

Chu Jiaoping didn't ask this question, and Chu Xinian didn't say it, only someone who was lying on the roof and eavesdropping sat up as if aware of it. Xie Lanting was dressed in black, almost blending into the night sky, and the wind blew his robe up, like a knight who came and went without a trace in the rivers and lakes, and would be driven away by the soft whisper of the breeze in an instant.

He slowly took off the mask with lingering warmth on his face, and rubbed it against the corner for a moment, wondering about something, and after a while, he looked down at the gap in the tile and chuckled lightly.

Who else could it be for? Naturally, it was for me.

Xie Lanting lightly grazed the mask with his little finger, crossed his legs, and leaned lazily on the ridge of the roof, not even bothering to hide his figure. The corners of his lips were slightly hooked, with a bit of complacency, and also a bit of incomprehensible joy.

Chu Jiaoping obviously couldn't be easily persuaded: "You don't have to say too much, I will never turn against the other and help the Crown Prince." 

How can a pair of two brothers who serve two different Princes end well? The end is already clear.

Chu Xinian smiled: "I don't need my brother to turn against the other, on the contrary, I'm here to help him." 

As he spoke, he suddenly lowered his voice, and said enthusiastically, "If Prince Jin wants to rebel in the future, the strength of the troops will not be enough"...

–"It was naturally not enough. Remember, brother, Zhou Wenchen has a lover in Qingpingfang, and that woman even had a child with him. She is the only family member of the Zhou's." 

After he finished speaking, he smiled inexplicably, turned around and opened the door to go out.

Chu Jiaoping was left standing alone in shock.

King Jin...rebel?

Is it really possible...?

Chu Jiaoping staggered back a step, and sat down on the chair, looking devastated.

When Chu Xinian walked out of the courtyard, Xie Lanting had already put the tiles back in place, quietly jumped off the roof, and returned to his residence by another road.

So when Chu Xinian returned to his room and opened the door, he saw Xie Lanting leaning against the bedpost, wiping the dagger in his hand in boredom.

Chu Xinian walked over to take a seat, took out the dagger in his hand, slowly put it back into the sheath, and put it aside: "The general has been here all along?"

Xie Lanting raised his eyebrows, as a tacit agreement: "Otherwise?"

Chu Xinian twitched. He picked up the hem of his robe, patted the floating ash and a small broken leaf on Lanting's robe, and sighed: "General, don't sit on the roof next time. It's not a big deal to get your clothes dirty, but it's a big deal if you get bitten by insects and ants."

When Xie Lanting saw this, he realized that his clothes were stained with dust, and his expression was a little embarrassing: "This General only thinks for your own good. What if your brother has a bad temper and beats you up?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Chu Xinian suddenly pressed him against the quilt in a half-kneeling position on the edge of the bed. Xie Lanting's Adam's apple twitched, feeling inexplicably nervous, and looked back at him: "You... what are you doing?"

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