A5 C153 - Don't Drink!

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Netizens really don't understand Shanghua's operation this time. Judging from Chen Xiao's current talents, he is obviously more suitable to develop on the stage. It's fine if Shanghua doesn't cultivate him vigorously. Why did they send him to act?!

'Chasing the Deer' is a TV series adapted from the IP of a popular novel. Apart from the appeal of director Wang Yan, there are also many fans of the original book. Chen Xiao's role this time is a young master who seems to be a slut, but actually has a heart.

There are no difficult fight scenes, nor any explosive emotional scenes, and the main role in the play is funny.

The audience tried to substitute Chen Xiao into the role, and unexpectedly found that it was quite face-to-face, but they didn't know how the performance would be. After all, it is not uncommon for the little fresh meat who usually looks glamorous to have a bit of a black spot. As soon as they arrive at the acting scene. They can only hope that the character played by Chen Xiao will not be too cruel.

Netizens have zero tolerance for vase artists, but they are relatively tolerant of truly capable artists, and they are willing to give them opportunities to try and make mistakes. Although there are still some people who are not optimistic about Chen Xiao's pursuit of acting, fortunately there is not much abuse, and most people choose to wait and see.

Chen Xiao didn't know the direction of the wind on the Internet. Due to his habits in his previous life, he didn't pay too much attention to the virtual world, he packed his luggage and went straight to the crew.

The plane didn't arrive in City A until 9:00 p.m. Chen Xiao went to the hotel booked by the crew to stay, and got ready to check in after receiving the room card at the front desk. The assistant arranged by Tong Yue helped carry the luggage in the back, and glanced at the itinerary by the way: "Brother Chen, I have inquired about it. Director Wang's rules are relatively strict. He requires the actors to go to the crew to gather for styling at seven o'clock every morning. You can rest well today, and tomorrow I will call you half an hour earlier."

The new assistant is Xiao Duo. Although he is young, he does things in an orderly manner and has never made a mistake.

Chen Xiao also carried a suitcase in his hand. He walked into the elevator and pressed the floor: "Where are the other leading actors? In the hotel or on the set?"

He actually wanted to ask where Qi Yubai was.

Xiao Duo snorted and said, "I heard that tonight's night scene is being filmed. Several leading actors and directors are still at the film and television base. They probably won't be back until early in the morning."

Chen Xiao wondered why he sent a message to Qi Yubai, but the other party didn't reply. It turned out that he was still filming in the middle of the night, which is really miserable.

The floors of several leading actors in the show 'Chasing the Deer' are relatively high. Chen Xiao joined the group a few days later than the others because of his later role in the film. When he was going upstairs, he happened to see a man coming out of room 1102 opposite him, he couldn't help but pause, and when he saw the face clearly, he subconsciously said, "Rong Xuan, why are you here?!"

When Rong Xuan heard the voice, he turned his head subconsciously, thinking it was a friend calling him, but it turned out that the man who made the call was the idol who was recently popular on the Internet, and it seemed to be...Chen Xiao?

Rong Xuan's clothes are lazy and casual, even the shirts are baggy, but it gives people a delicate and frenzy feeling, people who don't know him might think he is some sort of a celebrity. He raised his hand to take off the thin-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose that was put on for the sake of fashion, looked at Chen Xiao suspiciously, and finally realized that he and the other party had no intersection before, and frowned: "You know me?"

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