A4 C109 - Ouroboros

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"Stay here and don't move..."

Meng Zhoushan's face was serious, he pressed Sui Yuesheng's shoulder and said only this sentence. Then he turned around and left the room, and ran upstairs quickly, with the sound of swift wind coming from the corner of his clothes.

Sui Yuesheng looked at the direction in which he was leaving, frowned imperceptibly, a look of worry flashed in his eyes, and then slowly pushed the wheelchair to follow.

Meng Zhoushan didn't have time to wait for the elevator, so he went straight up the stairs. As a result, when passing the corner, the mop that had been leaning against the corner suddenly fell down, and the wooden stick fell to the ground with a clatter, making a crisp sound.

Meng Zhoushan didn't bother to put it up, and continued to run upstairs, but before taking two steps, he suddenly realized something was wrong. He stopped in a hurry, looked back to the corner of the wall, and when he saw the things placed there, his pupils could not help shrinking slightly——

There's a human head hidden there...

The blood blurred the face, making it difficult to distinguish the facial features. Meng Zhoushan could only recognize him as the gangster who kicked and injured Sui Yuesheng today through his electric purple hair dyed dark by blood and the strange metal ornaments on his ears.

The corridor was silent, and the light bulb above the head suddenly flickered twice. The gloomy and dark environment made people feel cold all over.

Meng Zhoushan walked down slowly. He took out a handkerchief from his pocket, wrapped it around his fingertips, then bent over to pick up the mop and looked at it, only to see that the original gray cloth was soaked red with blood, and had turned dark red after oxidation.

This mop has been there since the afternoon.

And now it is ten o'clock in the evening, there is no doubt that the murderer has already left.

Meng Zhoushan could only put down the mop, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and walked upstairs while calling Yan Yuezhao.

He knew that the murderer had escaped, and the hurried steps just now gradually became calmer, but his heart sank deeper and deeper inch by inch.

Meng Zhoushan didn't know if his actions changed something, which produced a butterfly effect and triggered this murder that didn't exist in his memory. He only knew that if this case was related to Ouroboros, things would only get more and more difficult in the future.

Relying on the position where the female corpse fell from the window of his house just now, he searched the other's residence in the corridors, and finally stopped in front of one of the doors.

Meng Zhoushan stood at the door and listened quietly for a moment. After confirming that there was no living person inside, he kicked the door open without hesitation. Just hearing a muffled "bang", the old door crashed to the ground.

A bloody smell hit the nostrils, making people dizzy for a while.

Meng Zhoushan walked in without changing his face. He had to confirm some things before the police arrived, otherwise it would not be so easy to personally investigate the scene of the case.

This is a narrow room with only one bedroom and one living room. The windows are closed and airtight. A heavy wooden table is next to the window, and a nylon rope is attached to the table leg, which is pulled out of the window.

There is no doubt that the other end of the rope is tied to the female corpse that fell just now.

Meng Zhoushan frowned, and finally realized why he found that female corpse familiar, it was clearly the girl who was hanging out with that boy today. Standing by the window and looking down, he could vaguely see the corpse hitting the window of his house again and again under the strong blowing of the night wind.

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