A2 C82 - Extra: Good Name

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In the early winter of the twenty-first year of Qisheng, Emperor Yan died. Prince Yin Chenghao succeeded to the throne and changed his reign name to Yong'an.

Prince Jin committed treason with the intention of rebellion, and he should be punished according to the law. However, the new emperor pardoned him and demoted him to a commoner.

In less than a month, the new emperor issued another decree to nullify the verdict from General Xie Bi's rebellion. All the descendants of the Xie family with low status were improved, those who were imprisoned were released, and those who were assigned with stabbed faces were all recalled. Xie Bi, the late Great General, Protector of the Nation, was written through centuries of history. He was given the posthumous title of "Zhongyong" and erected a tomb.

Another year of snow. The streets of Qingshi are covered with ice, and the roof tiles are also pure white. The biting chill blows head-on, and it seems to peel off a layer of flesh on the face. People wear thick cotton clothes, come and go in a hurry, bow their heads from time to time, and let out a breath of hot air, complaining that the snow this year is too cold and late.

At this time, Chu Xinian was not in the General's Mansion, but in... a brothel.

Wenxianglou is the busiest selling brothel in the capital. It is cold outside but warm as spring on the inside. The top-quality silver silk charcoal sat in the corner, warm and comfortable, it seemed to have a fragrance when it was burned.

The second floor is a private room, the first floor is a stage for music and dance, dozens of wine tables are placed under it. Chu Xinian was wearing a clean white shirt, with sapphire tied around his waist, the fine fox fur cloak was untied and neatly draped over a chair beside him because of the heat in the building.

He is well-groomed and polite, and he makes the alcoholic drinkers around him lustful and obscene, and he is incompatible with this brothel.

There was a stack of paper in Chu Xinian's hand, and a piece of sharpened charcoal was pinched between his fingertips. He was writing down something quickly, and asked aloud, "At what age did the girl enter the brothel?"

There was an old lady sitting opposite him, the woman in the green shirt who still has the charm. Sitting upright at this time, she was inexplicably nervous. Seeing Chu Xinian's seriousness, she didn't dare to persuade him to drink, and stammered: "My family... my family's name is Yue, probably... I probably entered Wenxianglou at the age of ten."

This  guest is really strange, he doesn't want to be accompanied by wine or to be served. He just wants to inquire about the lives of some older and mature sisters in Wenxianglou, so that he can write a book in the future.

Write a book? What book to write?

How could someone write a book for a mere prostitute?

Yue thought it was absurd, but for the sake of money, there was nothing wrong with chatting a few words: "My family didn't come in voluntarily, I was sold by the family members during the famine that year. But I survived after all, didn't I?"

Chu Xinian sighed: "The world is difficult, so I don't blame the girl for this matter. What about the girl's family?"

Yue was eating melon seeds, but she paused when she heard the words, and then went back to normal. With heavy makeup on her face and bright red lips glaring, she said boredly: "They starved to death, what can two old people who can barely walk do? I was young at that time, I couldn't pick up guests, and couldn't give them any money. In the end, I have to borrow money from the store owner for burial expenses."

Chu Xinian nodded, and continued to ask: "What do you plan in the future?"

"What?" Yue smiled, but her tone showed a little hesitation, "What can I do, save more money, redeem the deed of sale in the future, and find a place that no one knows to live my next life."

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