A6 C165 - A Flirty Home Intruder

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The curtains in the room are light and the candles are flickering.

Rong Xuan carried Ji Fan into the inner room, and gently put him on the bed. When leaning over, he couldn't help staring at Ji Fan's sleeping face for a moment, thinking why this person is still like a child, who can't do without candied snacks.

Rong Xuan took off Ji Fan's boots, covered the quilt again, and sat by the bed in a daze after finishing all this.

It's over, should he wake him up, or shouldn't? He doesn't know where Ji Fan hid his mother now, so he has to ask, right?

Seeing that Ji Fan was drunk, Rong Xuan stretched out his hand and gently pushed him, and asked in a low voice, "Hey, wake up... where did you hide my mother?"

Ji Fan frowned, opened his eyelids with difficulty, frowned and said, "My mother...?"

"No," Rong Xuan seemed to be having a joke, and hurriedly approached his ear, pointing at himself and asked in a low voice, "Me, mine, my mother, where did you hide her?"

Ji Fan was sleepy and confused, and subconsciously repeated after hearing the words: "My...mother...eh...?"

Rong Xuan wondered why Ji Fan still scolded people, and corrected him: "It's not your mother, it's my mother. You brought my mother to the Capital, where did you hide her?"

Ji Fan moved his lips silently, and seemed to say something, but the words were vague and hard to hear: "She is..."

Rong Xuan approached his lips: "Where is she?"

Ji Fan: "She's..."


Rong Xuan still couldn't hear clearly, so he could only get closer, but the next second, there was a sharp pain in his earlobe, which was actually bitten by someone. He raised his eyes in surprise, but saw that Ji Fan, who had been drunk and drowsy, woke up at some point, his eyes were clear and cold, and he didn't have the demeanor of a drunk person.

He pretended?!

Ji Fan bit Rong Xuan's earlobe hard, turned over and sat up on the bed while he was in a daze, and strangled his throat like lightning. The smile on the lips makes people feel like a spring breeze, with a kind and holy face, but the tone of the speech is dangerous, and he asked back: "Why, you came to the Capital to find your mother?"

Rong Xuan covered his ears that were bitten and hurt, and looked down at the hand that was strangling his throat, but he didn't make a move to resist. It's just that he still couldn't get rid of his flamboyant mouth, so he took a breath, raised his eyebrows and smiled and said, "Of course not, I have a beautiful little wife who suddenly disappeared, shouldn't I go to the Capital to look for him?"

Hearing that he was taking advantage of him again, Ji Fan squinted his eyes: "Who do you say is your wife?"

Rong Xuan glanced at him: "I didn't mention you, what are you being mad about?"

"My little wife was born beautiful, well-behaved and lovely. He pestered me every day and called me husband. He left so suddenly. I feel very distressed."

He made it clear that he was deliberately flirting Ji Fan, and deliberately used the word 'husband' as an excuse. Ji Fan was originally so angry that his expression was cold, but he remembered something, and suddenly chuckled, and asked inexplicably: "So...you only want your wife and not your mother?"

Anyway, Rong Xuan didn't have a single truth in his mouth: "My wife can run away with others, but my mother can't. I just want my mother. Why don't Prince Yan hold your hands high and let the mother and son reunite?"

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