A4 C111 - The Woman in the Mirror

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Many people gathered around Chen Pingchuan's house to watch the excitement. Meng Zhoushan scanned the unfamiliar and familiar faces, and finally settled on a position near the corner of the stairs——

There stood a man wearing a peaked cap. The opponent's collar was turned up high, blocking the lower half of his face. Only a pair of eyes were exposed, sneaking like a mouse in a burrow. He didn't get close to watch the fun like the others, he just stood outside the crowd and watched, and when he found Meng Zhoushan was staring at him, he immediately turned and went upstairs.

Seeing this, Meng Zhoushan slowly put his hands into his pockets, kicked Yan Yuezhao with the toe of his leather shoes, and motioned him to follow in a low voice: "There is a fish."

Yan Yuezhao glanced upstairs when he heard the words, stood up from the steps, and patted the ashes on his buttocks: "It's fine for me to follow, but you have to tell me why you want to investigate the person with a tattoo of a red tiger."

What happened in the previous life obviously cannot be explained.

Meng Zhoushan could only make up a reason to deceive the past: "When the incident happened, I saw a suspicious person wandering around, and there was a tattoo on his hand."

"You could have said it sooner."

Yan Yuezhao muttered, and immediately turned around to follow the man in the peaked cap. He was wearing plain clothes, and he had been lurking in the dark all morning. He didn't reveal his identity as a policeman, so he wasn't afraid of being discovered.

And the quarrel at Chen Pingchuan's house finally died down under the persuasion of the neighbors. The young girl selling insurance upstairs pulled away Chen Pingchuan who was about to fight with the police, and persuaded him nicely: "Brother Chen, the police also serve the people, so you should calm down. Look at you, after drinking so much. If Sister Weng sees you again, she will be angry again."

Mrs. She on the sixth floor has been a widow for many years, has a weird temper, and is the most vicious. She likes to stir up wind and rain when she has nothing to do. Seeing that there was no excitement to watch, she provocatively ate melon seeds, "Chen Pingchuan, don't admit that you are cowardly today, the police are bullying you, why are you still swallowing your anger?"

The young policeman at the side flushed when he heard the words, and stepped forward to reason with her regardless of his companion's pull: "What bullying, please speak clearly!"

Seeing this, Mrs. She turned up the volume, slapped her thigh vigorously and said, "Ouch! Ouch! Everyone, come and see, the police are coming to beat me, an old woman, everyone, come and see, is there any reason?"

She likes to find fault when she has nothing to do, which has become a pathological behavior. The neighbors have been very interested in the beginning, but now they are tired of watching. The old woman had a high-pitched voice, which made people's ears hurt. The more people watched her, the more she yelled, and they all dispersed and went home.

Seeing the crowd dispersed, Meng Zhoushan suddenly remembered the Sui Yuesheng in the room, and was about to go back. However, when he turned around, he saw the boy come out pushing the wheelchair at some point.


Chen Pingchuan was not far away, but Sui Yuesheng's eyes kept falling on Meng Zhoushan, he looked up at him and said softly: "It's getting late, I should go home."

Meng Zhoushan actually doesn't like children very much. He helped take care of Yan Yuezhao's son before, but that boy was too naughty, and he was not as cute as the boy in front of him.

Sui Yuesheng was probably an exception.

Meng Zhoushan knelt down slowly: "Okay, if you need anything, come and find me anytime."

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