(Sakakibara Ren) Regret And Jealousy

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Warnings: Obsessive behavior and kidnapping. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


"W-What? Y-You must be joking. That's right! This must be a joke and it's not funny, Ren." You force yourself to smile, ignoring that you might look like someone too desperate for something, but ears start to build up in your once bright hues that's slowly starting to turn a bit dull.

"Please, tell me that this is just a joke." You pleaded.

"I might be joking around sometimes, but now is an exception. We can't be together any longer, L/N-san." Ren clarified, his face devoid of emotions while he averts his gaze away from your face where tear starts to stream down from your eyes that was filled with hurt and disappointment.

"Why? Oh, I get it. Instead of helping me out, you're embarrassed to be with someone like me. The girl who's failing and might end up in E Class, the lowest bunch among us all! Is that it?! Well, news flash Sakakibara-kun! I don't need your help! In fact, I don't love you anymore and I don't want to be with you, too!" You start to tremble as your voice got louder after each sentence that Ren couldn't help but flinch.

Luckily, the small amount of people that are currently in the park where you two are also at seems to be busy with their own businesses. Hearing him calling you by your last name means that he was dead serious about it and you had no choice, but to accept it. You give a final glare before finally taking your leave. Fortunately, your house is not that far from the park. Stepping inside, the delectable smell coming from the kitchen lifted up your mood a bit. After dinner, you decided to let the fresh air outside clear your thoughts for a moment. Not only is the breakup your current problem, but also your grades.

It might not be that easy to move on, but you'll try your best to get up again and change yourself for the better by starting to improve your academics. The sun started to set as the sky is blanketed with gray clouds. It seems like your mood had affected the skies. 'How cliche.' You thought as you look at the horizon through the open veranda of your house. Your name being called by your mother snaps you out of your thoughts as you proceed to go back inside.

The next day, the tension within your group was unusual and all of them easily noticed it. All of you are currently in your own classroom which is deserted at the time. You are studying (favorite subject) while occupying the desk besides Gakushu, Ren is leaning against the wall near the entrance while the three remaining boys are standing in between.

"Something's off... Did you two have another quarrel?" Teppei asked after noticing the peculiar behavior of the couple.

Every time they had a group meeting or whatsoever, the couple immediately greets them with warmth. But now, it seems that there's a huge gap between the two, both literally and figuratively.

"We broke up." Your blunt response surprised the group.

Ignoring their curious stares that seem to say that they wanted to know what's going on, you face Asano by your right. "Asano-san? Is it okay if you could tutor me? I just wanted to be back on track again."

"Of course, it would be a shame if you're going to be transferred." He replied that made you relieved.

"Thank you, I really appreciate it." You give a nod and resume back to reading.

Some time had passed as you are currently having a tutor session with Asano.

The tutoring had just come to an end and so, Gakushu decided that it's the right time to ask about your break up. "Just as I thought, you're going to ask me about it. I wasn't aware that you'll stick your nose to another person's business, Asano-kun."

Before he could apologize, you wave your right hand dismissively while telling him that you were just joking and proceed to tell the tale. From then on, the two of you seem to grew close until you caught feelings with each other. Around the time that the two of you had became a couple, Ren started dating and flirting with different girls to distract the jealousy he's always feeling every time he sees the two of you, but it failed. Your academic status also improved again.

"Perhaps he's trying to make someone jealous." Natsuhiko ended his statement with a creepy giggle.

Sure, it may seem to others that Ren is just being his usual self, but since Natsuhiko is a close friend of his, he knew better.

"And who could that someone be?" You ask as you glance at his direction as Natsuhiko wasn't able to answer after Asano gave him a glare as you didn't mind the lack of response.

Just another normal sunny day, birds chirping and the warm sunlight bathed upon your features. You are currently heading to the park as your bright mood dulls a bit once you see someone unexpected. "Sakakabira-kun, I didn't expect to see you here."

Your casual greeting made his heart ache before you further inform to excuse yourself, not wanting to be near him much longer. "It was nice seeing you, but I need to go somewhere. Bye."

Ren tells for you to stop and pleads for a small time with you for closure between the two of you in which you reluctantly agreed. He leads you towards his humble abode and requests for you to take a seat as he takes one right in front of yoh. Ren didn't waste any time and goes to the point, telling you that he wanted for the you two to be together again that made you angry.

"You made me look like a fool when you broke up with me! And now that all is alright for me, you're back again to ruin it! So the answer is very obvious, isn't it? It's a no, Sakakibara-kun. Please do me a favor, I'll pretend that this didn't happen and we'll stay as good friends, but don't ever ask me about going back to you ever again." You take a deep breath to calm yourself down and tell a goodbye while making your way towards the door while you start to feel nervous after noticing that the door won't open.

"If I you can't learn to love me again, then I'll force you. I don't care how long it'll take as long as you're going to be with me." Ren spoke as you freeze on your spot.

He stands up and slowly goes towards you. "It really was a mistake that I broke up with you, but all is well now. We'll be happier and stronger as long as we're together, my angel."

"You're crazy! Get away from me!" You continue your attempt at opening the door, but was deemed unsuccessful when it still won't open.

When he was close enough, you prepare to slap him only to have your hand caught with his. "I'm crazy for you, Y/N! I was filled with pain and jealousy every time I see you with Asano! I know it was my fault that's why I'm correcting my mistake."

Ren  holds both of your wrist on top of your head with his right hand as you question in disbelief. "By keeping me to yourself and taking me away from the person who truly loved me all along?!"

"No, by returning you back to the person you're supposed to be with! Me!" Ren takes out a handkerchief with his unoccupied hand and covers your lower face with it.

You try to not inhale whatever chemical he might've put on it, but you needed some air at some point. Your body relaxes until it slumps against him.

Ren places a soft kiss on your forehead, embracing you. "If keeping you here is the only way, then I'll do it."

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