(Akabane Karma) I'm A Little Twisted

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Warnings: Deaths, murders, killer, and slight bloody scene. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


You sigh, exhausted from unpacking some of your clothes from your luggage. You just moved into a cheap, but still nice apartment in a new city away from your former one. The reason why you moved is that you just wanted to have a new life, away from your dark past. The sun is already starting to hide beneath the horizon as the sky became bleak, just how your life is. Trudging past the already well furnished with cheap ones of your new abode, you made your way to the kitchen and start to cook your dinner.

The sound of the knife making contact with the chopping board echoed throughout the kitchen along with the boiling of the water inside the pot. You carefully and skillfully wash the knife from the fragments of the vegetables as you stare at the tiny water droplets that drips down from the handle and towards the tip of it. You shake your head out of your thoughts and put the knife back in a cupboard drawer where different knives are being kept in. Adding the needed ingredients for a simple soup, you waited for a few minutes for it to finally be cooked properly.

Having nothing much to do, you decided to draw the curtains closed in the living room that was just a short walk from the kitchen. Going back to the kitchen, you get a bowl and a ladle from the dish rack and start to get some soup after turning off the stove when it's finally done, not forgetting to wear a mitten before the soup fills the bowl. The silence starts to unnerve tou and so, you decided to eat in the living room. You place the bowl with a spoon on top of the wooden coffee table that was placed between a small and comfy sofa and the television.

After turning on the television, you sit back down and proceed to take a spoonful of your dinner and softly blowing it after taking off your mitten. Halfway through your dinner, the breaking news caught your attention as the lady reports a new victim of a serial killer. Your eyes glow in interest and curiosity as you focus entirely on the details of the news. The headline was enough to let the viewers know that the killer is very dangerous. You immediately finish your soup since it's cold enough to avoid it being a waste if what the headline stated will be shown.

'The serial killer who's been known as Red Phantom strikes again with a more gruesome kill than the last.' The bloody image of a young man bathing in his own blood was blurred, but you already know how the killer killed him. Based on the missing feet of the victim, that you managed to see clearly, the killer cuts it off before raining down some bullets on the victim. You guessed that the man died of blood loss by bullet wounds based on the pattern of the blood that splattered on the background since the man was seated on the cemented street while leaning on a wall of a random building.

"The police still don't know who's causing such a very gruesome mess in our city---" You turn off the television and stretch your arms before making your way to the sink, washing the bowl and spoon.

Letting out a small yawn, you go to your small bedroom after putting the bowl and spoon in the dish rack and making sure that all the windows and door are locked. Sleep immediately engulfs your once your body made contact with the soft mattress.

You woke up the next morning and move the curtains to uncover the window for the small sunlight from the still rising sun to go in. Heading to the kitchen, you notice the shortage of your food that was just enough for your favorite breakfast. You start to prepare your food while enjoying the sound of nature and the peacefulness of the moment. After finishing your breakfast, you decided to buy some groceries. Stepping outside the apartment, the slightly cold breeze greeted you. Since you still didn't know the city that well, exploring seemed to be a good idea, but you didn't want to get lost.

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