(Akabane Karma) Accidental Marriage

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Warnings: Suicide, obsessive and possessive behaviors. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


The complexity of the situation started to show its quite understandable reason for your decision. Despite all the journey you had with him that started quite bitterly and ended the same caused by your choice, there were moments that you would definitely treasure for the years to come while you would still be staying in the Land of the Dead. It was fun and fresh to spend some time with him, your temporary husband that had accidentally married you when he wandered off into the night from being stressed out from practicing his wedding ceremony, but you know too well that he's not yours to begin with.

Such worry undoubtedly did not leave your mind once you had known that he had someone as a first love of some sort than you would have been, but his reassurance and determination being shown through some affectionate actions by letting simple things be enjoyed by the both of you caused you to forgive him and give in. And here you two are right now, standing in front of many dead and alive people that happily accompanied you two to such important and unique matrimony. The guests are focused with the ongoing speaking of Koro-sensei, being left in awe and wonder with the special event.

The reason behind it being special despite it naturally to be such since it's a wedding is the unity between the living and the dead after the acceptance and peace occurred later on through the travel. It was both your decision for it to happen as he had quite a baffling reason to do so. He wanted to experience being in his former town before he would be with you for as long as he could be. Spending many years with you only made him more giddy and excited to be with you. Whether or not one is invited, they are welcome nonetheless to join the event, but something interesting and unexpected will happen soon. 

With all of the people already within the church having their attention to the still ongoing ceremony, they are left unaware of a standing figure at the doorstep of the establishment. Mavi mildly gasps in surprise upon realizing who was the familiar person standing before the altar, realizing that it was supposed to be the person that they are to be wed with. Softly whispering his name, Mavi was gently scolded by a skeleton who happen to heard of it. Muttering an apology, they further enter the establishment while keeping their presence hidden that seemed to be quite easy enough as the focus is still at the pair.

Instead of being upset, Mavi was astounded to see Karma's emotions that clearly showed through his loving gaze to you, in which Mavi was certain had a hint of a subtle madness to it. After all, it is what had driven him to accept his death just to be with you when he finally accepted that he had fallen in love with another person. Thinking of such assumption undeniably made them shudder with the dangerous intensity Karma hides within. Knowing of his determination, it was certain that the only decision for them to choose is to let go and only wish for the two of you to have a good marriage life.

After Koro-sensei's important speech in which was partially listened by the two, it soon proceeded to the saying of the vows. A little more and the two would be officially bonded with each other that even death could not part them. Just the thought of it undoubtedly caused Karma to be even more giddy and itching for the matrimony to finally be finished. Hearing an instruction from Koro-sensei for him to say his vows first, Karma immediately raises his right hand before giving a smile of reassurance to you. He ends it with a lift of his cup, letting it be levelled to his chest as he awaits for your response.

You returned his expectant gaze with a start of your own vows after Koro-sensei signaled you to do so. In the first part, you reflected his prior actions with a raise of your hand before carefully holding the bottle of poison with its container can be assumed as one for wine. The poison itself also looked like the same alcoholic liquid as you let it fill his empty cup. It was only halfway filled when you caught a glimpse of the familiar individual Karma had visited during your own visit to the Land of the Living in the past. You hold on the bottle faltered subtly before you gently put it back on the table beside you two. 

Hearing him call out your name, you gazed back at him only to see him nodding at you with reassurance and an indication for you to continue. Though despite his urging, your stammering and hesitance still continued as he subtly frowned because of it. He had just realized the reason of your hesitance, catching a glimpse of his supposed life long lover curiously watching the ongoing wedding when he decided to give a glance to where you are looking at earlier on that caused your distraction only to see Mavi standing beside a pillar. Despite his intense disturbingly looking glare, Mavi was left unfazed and only received a proof of their assumption.

Before Karma could act out something he would thoroughly regret, he forced to keep his composure and control himself from killing Mavi on impulse before it was further improved when Mavi gestured for the two of them to continue. It subtly surprised him for their decision to let him go, but nonetheless he was grateful to not have anyone come in between the two of you. Gesturing a thankful nod to Mavi, he soon focused on you before informing you of the decision of his ex lover. You were left relieved and seemed to have the heaviness and pressure with the sudden ordeal to finally be lifted up from hindering your positive response. 

Taking a relieved deep breath, you let it out through a small sigh before getting yourself together. Everything felt lighter and peaceful after knowing that the one you thought would try to stop you two had given their approval and even reassurance for you two to continue. You properly continued your vow, letting the eager Karma to finally take a large sip of the poison that sealed his fate. You let him hold you for support when he hunched over in pain, getting through it soon with his dedication and determination. The ceremony soon reached its finality as the two of you kissed after Koro-sensei happily announced it. 

Now that he had properly thought about it, killing Mavi would still be nothing since they would spend their afterlife in the Land of the Death still. It unknowingly caused Karma to be relieved that he did not take action caused by having irrational thinking at the moment. He was also happy to know that Mavi seemed to be fine with his decision when they had urged him to take the poison earlier before he was being shown with a reassuring smile partnered up with a gesture of a good job after he had done it. And currently along with the celebration, Mavi soon joined with clapping and congratulating the newly weds. 

Releasing from the sweet kiss that sealed the wedding and your new level of relationship, he diverts your attention from who he deemed as an uninvited individual, letting the two of you be swarmed with the cheering guests. Caused by being overly happy and excited with your married journey with him, you were unaware with how mildly horrifying his objective is. It's astounding that love can cause possibly any person to do crazy things and such proof of it served in your current situation. With certainty, love, and no more boundaries, the cause of an accidental marriage you found yourself in would hopefully lead to a happy ending. 

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