(Terasaka's Gang) Chaos And Bloodshed

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Requested by: 3_R4ND0M_F4ND0M_3
Hope you'll like it! Enjoy!

Warnings: Overprotective, possessive and obsessive behaviors, subtle jealousy, slight mentions of blood and violence. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


As you fasten your pace despite your legs being tired with the running for almost half an hour, doubt started to loom over your mind while you ignored the angry calling behind you. The night sky seemed peaceful with its inky darkness with the subtle illumination of the crescent moon be partially covered by the passing gray clouds, groaning with the increasing heaviness it carries that indicates a rain to ensue. You had already planned your escape last month from being dragged along a horrifying gang, but it seemed as the unhappy result would face you soon before you would be able to feel your complete freedom. 

Thundering footsteps seemed to accompany your heavy breathing, making you almost focus on the said noises for a moment that caused you to be subtly distracted by the problem of the situation. Being unfamiliar with the area added to the factor of your escape plan to slowly crumble, remaining within their territory in which you are not welcome. Twist and turns within alleys and deserted street, you halt for a moment to catch your breath. As you regained your breathing, you listened intently of your chasers, hoping that they had lost you, but the remaining sound of series of footsteps opposed it.

You immediately approached the group with your remaining energy, unaware with the lingering confusion about what made them present in the area in the first place.

"T-Terasaka! Thank goodness! Help me, please!" You exclaimed desperately to the first person you've reached, who also managed to catch you just in time when you suddenly lost balance caused by being exhausted.

Both Yoshida and Muramatsu verbally expressed their worry, asking what happened to you as you gazed the other two. Behind the blank gazes of both Kirara and Itona is curiosity and concern upon seeing your disheveled appearance. 

Terasaka's own inquiry of what caused you to be so distressed snapped you out from observing the others, imemdiately answering him in a haste with your still panicked state. "A group of gang members are chasing me. I think that they are still after me. Are they?"

Terasaka managed to successfully hide the grin he was about to show, embracing you gently in return while making sure that you won't witness the arrival of the said members in front of the group.

Getting serious all of a sudden, he carefully passes you towards Hazama, smiling reassuringly before remarking. "Stay behind me, Y/N. I'll take care of 'em for ya."

Both Muramatsu and Yoshida shake their head, expressing in between their disagreement and agreement with his statement before Yoshida adds in. "We won't let you take the spotlight from us. We're all in this together."

Handing another bat as both the same weapon of his and to his friend, Muramatsu expresses his thanks to Yoshida before making a remark as well. "This would definitely be fun. We don't wanna miss it."

Yoshida lets the bat rest on his shoulder while Muramatsu lets his own gently touch his palm occasionally. Terasaka prepares his own brass knuckles, having a warm up of his own after the two. Noticing the silence of the remaining companion of theirs, Yoshida glances at Itona who is also preparing his own weapon which is just a simple pipe, but he would make sure that it would leave a critical damage to whoever unfortunate would be hit with it.

Yoshida grinned before patting Itona's shoulder while asking. "What about you, Itona? Give us some catchphrase, will ya?"

Itona's annoyed and mildly angered gaze soon focused on the gang members twice their number as he menacingly threatens them in return as a response to Yoshida. "I won't let your filthy hands touch Y/N again. All of you will pay."

"Now that's the spirit. Hey, Kirara! Keep Y/N company, 'kay?" Yoshida calls out as Kirara calmly responds her agreement.

Having enough with waiting, half of the gang members already make their attack, luckily not having a long range weapon as the three also accepts the start of the chaos.

Gently patting your head after ignoring the ongoing fight for a second, Muramatsu grins at you before he reassuringly states. "We'll deal with this first. Don't ya worry about us, Y/N. We definitely got this. Have faith on us, yeah?"

You nodded meekly in response, trusting them to have control with the situation unlike you.

"How have you been doing? Before all of this?" Kirara started a conversation to partially distract you from the chaos in which she completely know is being accompanied with bloodshed at the moment.

She was just relieved to know that you would not be able to see it with your position as her own figure blocked you from viewing the fight. As she intently listens to your narration, she glances behind, smirking in satisfaction upon seeing her comrades having the upper hand. Blood was already splattered quite messily on the pavement, walls of the nearby building and mostly on the weapons of her comrades.

Despite the mess, they still continued to hit those who they deemed would still be able to stand back up and fight again, punching and attacking them further until the opponents are in the brink of death. The gang members are lucky enough to have a deal to secure their lives. With the victorious cheer from the familiar voices of the people you had heard talking earlier caused you to feel relieved, accepting Kirara's embrace from behind further as she carefully tightens her hold around you. Even with the unusual positivity her statements hold, you were nonetheless thankful with all of her efforts and help along with the others.

As you let yourself be comforted by Hazama, you were unaware with the victorious and smug expressions present on each of the other members' features. All of them exchanged a silent congratulations for the job well done with having you with them as a reward of the good result of the plan. Reminding himself to have a visit and pay something to the rival gang of theirs for their cooperation, Terasaka soon halted the comforting moment you have with Hazama, undoubtedly causing a subtle jealousy to him and the others. They immediately catch up by being there for you, reassuring that you would be safe with them.

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