(Asano Gakushu and Sakakibara Ren) Unwanted Competition

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Warnings: Obsessive and possessive behaviors, violence, and jealousy. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


You have wondered what caused your current two companions to accompany you during your grocery shopping, curious as well as to how they had known of your errand despite not giving them any information about it. Here you are, absent of anything to carry as the two graciously volunteered to be the ones to take the grocery bags in your stead. The whole shopping trip had been fun with some bits of bickering here and there between the two that clearly showed their distaste of the other with their presence. Knowing that they're really friends, you've let them be while requesting for them sometimes to behave.

It would be a good time for them to follow your request, seeing as despite you're all leaving the establishment, glances from the bystanders still managed to follow your retreating figures from being bewildered and amused with the conflict between the two over you. You would not want to attract attention with the other passersby within the quite deserted street as the two seemed to finally decided to stop their dispute for the time being. You expressed your relief with a start of a conversation to keep the three of you entertained. Reaching the bus stop, it was luckily currently deserted with your group occupying the area. 

The two managed to keep you unaware of the glares mutually held to the other, seething once more with the other's presence while reminiscing the times where each had grown to be jealous of the other with how close and easygoing they are when it comes to spending time with you. Ren had always been envious with how long you would spend time with Gakushu with being the vice president and all, though he catches up through spending the lunch break with you, occasionally giving compliments that would lead to lighthearted flirting. Gakushu is not unaware with such exchange as he tries his best to intervene.

If not with the grocery bags each of them had been carrying with the intention to avoid you getting exhausted and to be helpful for you as well, they had probably been driven with their annoyances with each other that would result in a physical fight that had been recently occurring whenever they would have the chance to do so. You won't be able to witness such happenings, but the aftermath of it remains that left you worried with both of their well-being, scolding them afterwards and reminding them not to be reckless next time after they explained that they were unfortunately beaten up by a gang.

Fortunately for them, they would be able to let off some steam when an uneventful situation soon happens. A group of three lousy, but strong looking men suddenly stopped their walking after passing by you and the others. Each of them takes a good look at you and your companions, noticing the wealth that the other two seemed to have presented before deciding to test their luck. They all approached with two blocking your companions from helping you out while the one who approached you tries to be intimidating, grinning while ordering for you to give whatever valuables you might have.

Their confidence was caused by the absence of any other person nearby, but that was a mistake on their apart unknown by them. Before the man could forcefully acquire his goal, he was knocked out when two fists collided with his face, blurring his vision and making him dizzy. Both Ren and Gakushu didn't seem to be satisfied still, continuing with a series of assaults through kicking and punching despite all three of them already unconscious. Each carefully carries one grocery bag that they placed somewhere to not be affected before approaching you. You only stared at them in surprise before to the subtly bleeding men.

With the former situation happening in an unexpected moment, the two silently and mutually agreed to subside their dispute over you to focus on your recovery with the incident. It is undeniably more peaceful and adorable to find the two being concerned over your well-being, giving comforting words and reassurance while also asking if you're alright in which you hesitantly answered them that you are, still taking in such violence that they had shown earlier in which you are sure would probably occur between them when the chance presents itself. You do not want such horrid thing to happen between them.

You can only hope that they would be fine, but it dissolved when they started to have another competition, giving you a decision that the only thing for them to make a truce is for you to force it to them. If you're the one that they want, they won't be able to do so if it causes such conflict.

You were snapped out of your thinking when Ren starts to mock his close friend, boasting his skill as well. "I'm the best when it comes to protecting Y/N! Have you seen me easily deflecting the attacks earlier?"

Gakushu only frowned before retorting back. "You didn't even strategize your movements against them, causing you to almost be hit."

Before they would further start a physical fight that they had been subsiding this whole time with the vacant hand of theirs gripping tightly the collar of the other, you screamed for them to stop in which you're thankful to not have any audience at the moment. Hearing them asking you who would you choose between them only caused you to be annoyed, not wanting their friendship to be bent just because of your decision as you let your answer be the silence. Because of this, they had another reason to be angered by the other as before they would ensue in a verbal fight once more, you intervened.

The two of them clearly see you as a prize. Giving them your words of gratitude with a bow, you've decided to leave them be. You sighed, forcing yourself to stand while taking back your things from each of them before starting to walk away. The two only stared in disbelief at your retreating figure, being snapped out of it when you said your goodbyes along with a small wave of your hand without looking behind you. One might think that you're lucky to have them falling head over heels for you, but with the unwanted competition being accompanied by it, dealing with them would be much more tedious.

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