(Nakamura Rio) Unknown Tendency

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Warnings: Mentions of violence, possessive and overprotective behavior. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking out this book. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


You could still hear the murmurs of the crowd and even some footsteps going in and out from any classrooms nearby, but why does it feel like everything seemed to be moving too fast for you to catch up on? The feeling of the weight of your school supplies either being carried by you or in your bag securely strapped on your figure is still present, but you remain to feel out of place, like what is currently happening is not being clearly registered by your own mind. The whole atmosphere seemed to drastically change from what you could remember when your mind starts to clear up a bit that paved way to the progress.

Once your vision started to return back to its normal state enough for you to get a clear view of your surroundings, you immediately observe what had been happening while remaining unaware of the pain. Eyeing the crowd, you spot a person that seemed to be feeling conflicted with the way she portrayed her emotions. She had been the one that caused your unfocused state and despite it, she seemed to be satisfied and happy when Rio glared at her. Caused by her abnormal source of euphoria, she wasn't able to notice Rio's companions already surrounding her from behind, not letting any way of escape for her. 

You gazed on Rio's furious expression that despite the remaining unfocused state of it, you already knew who it was through her presence even though she seemed to be behaving out of sorts as well, though this time, not directly to you. Deciding that you are more important than the one who assaulted you, she proceeds to carefully see the possible wound you acquired while casting you a softened gaze. Even though you're feeling unfamiliar with her gentleness when she inspects your injury, you unknowingly let it welcome to your senses. Clearly witnessing the injury, Rio looked at the one who caused it in a spiteful state.

Rio was somewhat of a bully when it comes to you and despite her being popular, she seemed to not care with her reputation. And upon arriving the right conclusion to the situation you found yourself in, you are surprised when she suddenly dropped the act when one of her fans proceeded to join in with teasing you and even proceeding to show violent tendencies when you were harshly shoved that caused you to be injured at the back of your head from where you had landed. The usual presentation of irritation and frustration, which was all directed to yourself had now been diverted to the one who injured you.

"Oh man... That's a violation right there. But maybe, she's new at this? Or she really intended for it to happen for you to give her some attention? I'm quite confused with the issue that I could feel smoke literally coming out of my ears." Kurahashi gleefully exclaimed, putting each palm on her cheeks while her friends could only shake their head in amusement.

With Kurahashi's comment, everyone seemed to be temporarily affected by the humor behind it. Some released hushed giggles or a short laughter while others grinned and smiled, but it all ended abruptly when Rio had, once again, reminded all that she's still angered with the situation and that she can control it in any way she would like. Her unknown tendency that she herself remains unaware of would be discovered by all, though it would seem that her reputation will still be unstained despite it. This is proven by the way your assailant remained to look at Rio with amazement that is reflected by most of the audience.

Their anticipation after Rio's approach to her soon ended when she announces, looking down upon your assailant that had herself kneeling in front of her. "New or not, you should know better than to touch what's mine as I would always make it my important reminder most of the time. I only hope that you would know the consequence of your action."

Immediately knowing her next course of actions, her friends proceed to cover the area before she soon beats up her target as you are frozen in place. Despite the situation trying to remain private, there are still many that managed to get a clear view of it, though luckily, none decided to record Rio's actions, knowing what would happen if that would be the case. The degree of the violence Rio showed did not exceed in comparison with the crimes you sometimes watched through the television or within the realms of the internet either accidentally or intentionally, but seeing it personally left quite an impact to you.

You should have been frightened by the way she easily delivered different attacks that remain to show a common strength may it be through a punch or a kick, but you found something more disturbing once you've gotten a clear view of  those that are also witnessing the situation. The audience seemed to be entertained, continuing to see Rio beating up the unfortunate school mate of yours. The victim herself even seemed to be glad with what's happening, not dodging any of Rio's attacks and even remaining to smile despite the clear pain she's in with all the bruises and wounds she has before it then ends.

"Everyone, let this be a reminder again to all of you that no one is privileged enough to interact with Y/N. No one, but me. Maintain the right distance and nothing like this will happen to you. Do you all understand?" Rio casually asked like what had happened a second ago is something that is a common situation, wiping away the unnecessary impurity she acquired from her prior actions after Rinka had given her a handkerchief.

With a last swipe of the cloth on her cheek, her features present a pristine state, free from any blood, tear, or even a saliva from her unfortunate victim. Noticing that a reply is still absent, she casts a blank gaze through the audience that despite the supposed negative impact of what she had done, everyone remained to respect her in a crazed way that even the victim seemed to have enjoyed what she had received. Everyone immediately got her point, expressing their agreement to her question by a gesture or with enough courage, replying verbally. She then diverts her focus to you that caused you to unknowingly cower.

"Come with me. I need to make sure you're fine. After all, broken toys are boring and disappointing to play with." Her last statement slipped despite the reality of it far from it and her surprise and annoyance can be clearly viewed by the others, though it remained unknown to you when she started to move forward after letting her back face you, leading the way while remaining a gentle grip on your wrist as her friends decided to help carry your things.

You weren't just a toy to her. She views you as something more important than that. A rare treasure, a very interesting and valuable one that because of such importance, she found herself unable to properly understand her emotions therefore uncertain how to properly express it. But with the situation that had occurred, perhaps something inside her started the process of change in which she hoped would not be too late to improve the relationship between the two of you. By the way she seemed to care about you and with what had happened, you remain uncertain whether or not your views about her had changed.

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