(Asano Gakuho) Family Ties

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Requested by: JazzelMarianeLaguio
Hope you'll like it! Enjoy!

Warnings: Mentions of death and abuse, overprotective behavior. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


A common thought one would think of whenever they would hear arranged marriage is that it usually meant that perhaps not both people that are tied to such idea reciprocate the genuine feeling of love. Let's just say, you are undeniably a lucky individual to have faced no such fate when it came to having an arrange marriage with Gakuho through the connections between your parents and his own. Though it really wasn't an easy journey from the start, a few bumps along the road greeting your travel. One of those being his own objective of the marriage, only wanting to start a family to have an heir.

Once again, quite a common occurrence within the world that you found yourself in the second you're born. Everything seemed to only run around money and power, influencing each family that had risen through this to have connections to those that are equal. Despite with the normal cycle, you wanted to stop it, but nothing really helped much. After knowing that he would be the one you would be tied up with for the rest of your life, you did some background checking with the help of your subordinates and had found out that he's quite strict when it comes to his lover in which many had failed to satisfy his standards.

Though luckily, he seemed to be satisfied with you as both your family and his immediately united once the two of you are married. Everything was almost perfect, completely opposite to what you had been expecting considering what you had known of your husband, but he was genuine when it comes to showing his affections to you, making you slowly fall for him and reciprocate his love, though it changed soon enough. The happy family you had thought you would slowly acquire once you had your son had mildly become to be only a dream. Gakuho changed for the worst, going back to his main goal.

With what you had thought the two of you would remain sweet towards each other, Gakuho was the one to create some distance within your relationship. His strict and even cold persona returned with every interaction he had with your son, causing some quarrels to occur with you trying your best to get Gakushu out of the way. You were hurt with all of his actions, certain that he sees you as nothing and only a hindrance with his objective. The connection between you and your supposed loving family was immediately cut off that led you to finally make quite a courageous decision to defy your own family's tradition.

You've filed a divorce to your husband, expecting him to retaliate as your family only waited his own response in return before emitting their own reaction, but you were fairly surprised to know that he seemed to be fine with it. Nonchalance was also subtly present, though he made a deal that he would spend most time with Gakushu for him to be properly trained what he aspired him to be. Worrying about your son's future, but nothing to be done further about it, you agreed and the connection left between you and Gakuho was only because of your son in which either of you would spend some time, but not altogether.

He agreed as in his own words, he sees you as of no use to him any longer now that he had his son to take care of. Despite the negative turn of events, you remained a loving mother towards your son when you would have the opportunity to do so. You can only watch him grow by the sidelines as Gakuho was the one mainly in control of him caused by the deal. What Gakuho didn't know was that Gakushu would soon have his own little sister. With the same revelation caused you to be unlucky for the second time. The thought of being lucky to have met another partner in life was easily thrown out of the window.

You were fortunate enough to not have dragged your young daughter to it, despite her being the cause. Her birth caused your new partner to be in disarray, letting him show you the violent side of his. He was angered that you've managed to have a child still with your ex husband, expressing his frustration and anger through some daily beatings. Bruises and wounds littered most within your body, some fresh while some already starting to fade, but was renewed. You've managed to stay strong, not being able to escape his wrath as he does not let you. Until one time, your body could only take too much of it that it gave up.

You were put in a coma after you were luckily helped out still by some of your servants during the incident, but you remained unaware of reality for weeks. Because of this, your daughter remained under the supervision of your abusive husband. Though luckily enough, Gakuho was just in time to save her from anything bad happening. Hearing such news, Gakuho immediately taken action after being undeniably surprised with everything that he had learned. Only one thing left to do as he decided to prove himself worthy to have you once more through eliminating the disgusting person that had caused you such pain.

With his son's help after he had successfully reconciled with Gakushu, the both of them are now happily living together despite occasionally worrying over your being. Everything was almost perfect as they soon visited you once hearing that you've been awakened. For Gakuho, it was more than good news to know that you're alive and well. He would prepare everything for you to live a better life along with him and your children once more, but this time, there would be no challenge that the two of you cannot overcome. Instructing his subordinates to guard his children in the meantime, he gets inside your private room.

Once you regained some sense and connection with the real world, your vision was mainly filled with white, though you are surprised to see the familiar features of your former husband standing before you after a few hours. The sudden reunion undeniably caused some awkwardness to be present within the room. You lowered your head and focused on your fidgeting fingers upon the blanket that covered your form, expecting him to utter his disappointment, but was instead shocked to hear him apologize for not being there whenever you needed him the most as he should have been.

You silently gazed at your former husband, in which he would ensure would change soon to his rightful connection in your life, seeming to ask what had happened to your other partner. Gakuho remained silent, not wanting something for you to be stressed over, especially someone that is already dead and should be forgotten. Luckily, a distraction presented itself just in time. The door carefully opens and stepping inside was Gakushu, already grown up quite well and almost nearing his teenage years with his younger sister slowly walking beside him with his guidance.

Seeing them caused you to tear up as Gakuho explains. "I have gotten custody over our daughter, as I rightfully have in the first place. Gakushu helped me as well, such an intelligent son he is."

Before you could comment your skeptical opinion with the matter, Gakushu intervenes to further prove that Gakuho had really changed.

Approaching your lying form further, he gently holds the hand of his younger sister as well as your own, giving you an excited smile before he determinedly informs you. "Dad said that he would like all of us to be together again. He had changed for the better. I can vouch for that."

The genuinity of his words caused you to be emotional with such efforts. Your daughter immediately blabbers incoherent words as Gakushu asks what's wrong. Reassuring them that you are fine, you then thanked your two brave boys. With tears almost threatening to fall out, Gakushu carefully embraces you along with his sister as you invited Gakuho to join in. The family ties had grown to be more important, forging it to be stronger as Gakuho promises to himself to not let any of you be in danger. After all, the prior problems that all of you faced was easily solved through quite a bothersome process, but everything was worth it at the end. For his family, it definitely is.

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