(Hazama Kirara and Horibe Itona) Mutual Agreement

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Warnings: Jealousy, overprotective, obsessive, and possessive behaviors. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


The weekend greeted you quite warmly, filling in your abode with enough sunlight that matches up your mood quite completely. Having a day off from the undoubtedly tiresome, but still an enjoyable job you have made you all the more determined to spend the day as satisfying as you can despite being alone. Having your energy satisfyingly recharged from the good rest and with the simple but still scrumptious breakfast you made for yourself, it was enough for you to finally start the day. One advantage of having to live on your own is the silence and lack of complaining from others about the chaos you soon witnessed.

The skip in your steps soon turned into a slow walk as you gazed at the not so proper state of the room you are in, being followed by a sweat drop as cleaning it would be focused first before your enjoyment of the day. Shrugging to yourself in response to the quite messy state of your living room and probably the other parts of your house are in did not deter the determination you had to make this day amazing. With enough mood booster, you proceeded to accompany the cleaning activities you decided to perform before taking a rest with a favorite music of yours. You immediately started with the activity.

Midway into the series of cleaning tasks as you are currently wiping some dust on top and the glass surfaces of your cabinets, you were surprised to hear a distinct indicator of someone visiting in the front door among the music. Approaching the music source, you lowered the volume to ensure that you heard the other noise properly. Listening intently and proving for it to be true, you called out to your surprise visitor to wait. Focusing on the people on the other side, Hazama's surprised features that were very subtly shown to the other that reflected Itona's own had soon turned to its normal blank look. 

Despite being surprised with the other being present, it was no question that the two of them have the same objective in which no one would back down.

Mildly giving him a friendly smile still, Hazama proceeded to break the ice. "Itona, what a surprise to see you here. In Y/N's place of all places? How did you even know about Y/N's location? Using your skills?"

Her tone remained friendly albeit having a hint of displeasure with the hindrance of her friend, but Itona remained unfazed with the ridiculousness of his friend's mild threatening statements, answering calmly. "I could ask the same to you as well, Hazama."

Being confident with her answer, Hazama replies with a challenging raise of a brow at the end. "Me? We sometimes get together, having a chat over some interesting things and Y/N's address are included in it at one point."

Internally scoffing with her confidence, Itona subtly raises his chin in determination before making a remark that irked Hazama. "It's the same case for me, then."

Hearing the same confidence from him, she narrowed her gaze before giving him a stare down in hopes of intimidating him to leave her alone with you, but Itona stood his ground and returned his own as a means of accepting her challenge. 

Their intimidating staring contest was soon cut off when the front door opens, making them immediately change their expression into one that is looking forward to spending time with you. You exclaim their names in surprise, giving them curious looks before asking the reason of their sudden visit as they did not inform you about it in any means. Not wanting to be rude to your dear friends, you swung the door open much wider for them to simultaneously enter. You only lightly chuckled with the difficulty they had upon doing so, but they soon managed to successfully make their entrance, stubborn to let the other get in first.

Closing the door soon after, you had just noticed the medium sized shopping bags they seem to have carried along with them. Immediately noticing your curious gaze focused on it, Hazama subtly grins before excitedly giving you her present, urging for you to open the two bags. You gave your thanks, happily looking at the stuffed toy along with some sweet treat of your favorite that are uneniably expensive looking. With a subtle glare given to her, Itona proceeded to give his gifts next, happy to know that your focus is soon diverted to him. His own consists of a comfortable clothing and quite a luxurious item. 

Unable to contain your joy and gratitude, you carefully placed the bags to a nearby small table before giving them a hug, in which they immediately let themselves be comforted. Just as the two are about to give a smug expression to the other for your display of affection, they had just realized that you have them engulfed at the same time.

Unaware with the realization the two have, you exclaimed your happiness with such extravagant and unexpected gifts. "You two are so sweet! All of your gifts are amazing! Remind to give some to you as well, okay? I wasn't prepared, but I'll make sure to be ready next time!" 

After it, you invited them further to your luckily cleaned living room, excusing yourself to keep the presents somewhere else. The two remained silent with each other, still having the tense atmosphere in between them with all that had happened. Observing your still jovial mood made them reassured that you are still unaware of the ongoing silent battle the two are in. Both are equally mildly jealous and alarmed of the other, despite them being good friends. Not wanting for you to be solemn and cause a sudden change of your mood, the two mutually decided to keep their brimming jealousy to the other at bay. 

Finding that they had enough time, Hazama proudly suggested a small quiz about you. Itona immediately agreed, answering all of her questions about you perfectly that left her speechless. It was the same case for Itona when he was the next one to interrogate her about you. The small activity had proven to be enjoyable along as proving to the other the very familiarity and dedication when it comes to knowing you well and would go through any means to make you accept their affection. It was no denying that one had managed to acquire the respect for the other with how loyal and dedicated the other seemed to be. 

Gazing at the other without malice and alertness, both Itona and Hazama indicated their agreement to share with a handshake. Finishing with placing the gifts at your chosen respective places for the time being and also making yourself presentable, you soon arrived. You smiled at their interaction after observing them from afar. Giving you genuine smiles filled with excitement for you to join them again, the bonding peacefully continues when they simultaneously revealed their objective. The situation had proven to be more enjoyable for the three now that their competition and jealousy are out of the way.

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