(Asano Gakuho) Relief

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Warnings: Manipulation, isolation, and obsessive behavior. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with. If it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking out this book. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


High quality, expensive sheets covered your hunched frame as you continued to experience the punishment with what you could barely remember, forcing to even know the vague information only caused a headache. Other than emotional and mental strain and pain, physical aspects of it had been happening to you, causing you to let your fingers tighten its clutches along the fabric that you deemed protecting you from your disturbing environment. Though it proved to be insufficient to relieve you of the growing desire to be within his presence, increasing such desire with every passing second being separated from him.

The reason behind the sudden surge of thoughts that mainly focused on a certain individual instead of what caused you to be in such position remained unknown, making you all the more confused that only increased the depth of control he has on your mind. Memories before you are left alone within this peaceful and comfortable room remained hazy and drenched by every feature of the same man that for the duration of your isolation, is the only thing that is easy to remember and focus on without any pain accompanying. Breathing becoming erratic, you relieve yourself from the pain by letting your mind encircle him alone.

The only thing that you could clearly recall would be your name alone other than Gakuho's amazing attributes that easily forced to be played within your mind as if it's a broken recording of a nerve inducing movie, making you accept it as it is without knowing the real reason behind it. Even the lack of the proper answer to your current situation didn't seem to be noticed as you're only wish is to be comforted by him after all of this. It would seem as your vulnerability is already at its peak, letting your mind be filled with untrue feelings and desires that your complete sanity would thoroughly disapprove of even thinking of.

You've been isolated for quite some time now, mind filled with negative thoughts of being alone and not having his company as Gakuho's manipulative words echoed within the depths of your mind, quite suddenly so that left you to regret the harsh actions of ignoring his efforts. Tiny fragments of memories enough to fill you with guilt and remorse directed to the said man continued to devour your being, only succeeding with fueling your desire to apologize to him along with wanting to just see him in general, no matter how short it might be. Such yearning caused you to forget his negative attributes.

The minuscule remembering of his dark means just to have you were immediately washed away, being replaced with false good memories and pleasant interactions with him in the past before he went awry. As you went through the process of finally submitting to him, your strength and determination slowly diminished as a proof of his method finally succeeding and managing to slowly break you, slowly, but surely. The will you had in hopes of escaping his clutches before freeing yourself from his intense devotion and supposed declaration of love had been finally crushed and never to rise again from its ashen remains.

Your mind clears for a moment only limited to your situation to be worked out that you instantly thought of the only way to be freed with your misery. Your former self would have found it very humiliating, opting to play fair and give him a silent treatment, but you're too out of it to care much, letting your gaze witnessing every area of the room before panic grew upon not seeing his figure through excusing his absence as a game of him just hiding himself away in the area. Getting all the more desperate to not be alone anymore, you forced the tears to stay accumulating within your eyes rather than to be freed.

You prepared yourself to summon him, coughing a bit before meekly calling his name that seemed to taste bittersweet before your voice became strong enough to be used of its full potential. "Gakuho, please! I'm really sorry! I don't know what I've done, but I promise you, I regret it all! Please, just be with me! I want you here with me!"

Right after your heartfelt request, you just noticed the deafening silence after having your mind be cleared of anything to heavily think about. You could hear your ragged breathing while you pin your gaze at the only door of the room, waiting for his arrival that you thoroughly hoped for. With every beat of your heart, you waited with bated breath before you subtly gasp upon hearing distant footsteps behind the door. Only one person came to your mind upon hearing the graceful rhythm of it as the reason of your almost tearful state would be due to happiness and delight of finally seeing him that caused you to be filled with energy.

Once the door opens and you instantly saw his familiar figure, you immediately clambered off the sheet that proved to present a difficulty with your fogged mind. Your limbs only tangled quite messily and awkwardly so among the item, but you remain determined to acquire the goal to be near him. Gakuho only smiled upon seeing your desperate form, deciding that everything you've experienced would have been enough to break you. Being certain that he's not a heartless and cold man as viewed by most, he would give you the satisfaction of being near him now that he had molded you to state he pleased.

Before you could make yourself be contented further than to just see him finally by ensuring that it really is him through your sense of touch, Gakuho halts a distance away from the bed. He gives you a disapproving frown as you unconsciously understood it as an order for you to be patient and behave well as he would be the one deciding when to make an approach. He completes his approach, helping you with freeing yourself from the fabric. Engulfing him in a hug once you acquired permission to do so, you relish in his presence that made you feel relieved that overpowered the displeasing emotion deep within.

The alarms that loudly rings within your mind to alert you of the real danger the man you're currently cuddling with is really hiding had been broken and left to pieces by his own terrifying creations that managed to breached through your brain. You only see him as the person that would greatly bring you peace and comfort, giving everything that you could ever want as well as ensuring that you will be taken care of properly and be showered with love and care more than what you could handle. But despite that, Gakuho had already ensure that you would not mind and would then return it with gratitude.

Clucthing onto his form as if slipping away from him would cause you to die, Gakuho smirked upon seeing your reaction before gently patting your head, succumbing himself with your eagerness to see him. He didn't mind your tears, acting gentle with wiping them away before leaving you flustered when he suddenly pecks your mildly wet cheeks. Recovering from the suddenness of his actions, you cover your face on his chest before mumbling muffled statements about how you want to spend your lifetime with him and how much you missed him. It was enough for him to also feel relief of your change.

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