(Akabane Karma) Taken Action

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Warnings: Jealousy, stalking, possessive behavior, and kidnapping. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


Navigating through the tall shelves filled with books of knowledge, you soon managed to arrive at your usual spot where a certain individual had already been waiting for your arrival.

"Your tutoring would be a huge help right now. With just a few things to study, I would be able to pass the exam." You uttered with a minimal volume after greeting Karma, occupying your usual seat before taking out the needed materials.

"Exam?" He asked with a furrowed gaze.

"I would be transferring next year to another school, so I better prepare myself for it. Plus, it's my dream school, so yeah. All the more excited for it!" You cheered in a whisper before you soon get to work, leaving an astounded Karma upon hearing such bad news.

Silence mostly ensued within the room with minimal sounds only present, not unusual for the establishment you are in. Papers fluttering, the pages of the books being flipped, chairs scraping gently against the floor and the occasional thuds from books being placed on its borrower's chosen table are the said noises heard within the library. You soon released a sigh in defeat right after still not being able to reach the right answer to a certain problem your tutor had instructed you to solve for. Most efforts you had are already given to being as silent as you can be, not wanting to be kicked out caused by being noisy. Glancing to the side to see most of your finished work, you smiled in relief before glaring at the remaining paper you need to answer.

"It won't answer by itself just with you glaring it, you know." Karma stated amusedly, smirking in mild delight with the current situation and not because of you struggling, no.

It's because he was yet given another chance to spend time with you and not just by him hiding amongst the shadows and observing you from afar. He was your senior with a year gap between and with his astounding intelligence when it comes to almost all of the subjects had gave you the reason to request him as your tutor. He had immediately agreed. Along with that reason, your younger brother by a year as well, Nagisa, had suggested him to be and trusting his suggestion, you had soon did your request to his friend.

Letting his pen write down his own answer of his homework for the last time, Karma had soon reached the finish line of his school tasks unlike you.

Plopping an arm on the table and resting your cheek on it, you faced him before making your response. "I know... Give me a clue how to really do it? I forgot what the next step is."

Giving him a pleading look, Karma had managed to fight the urge of himself blushing over such face he had found you making adorable. Showing a faux blank look, he soon chuckled gently when you jokingly glared him, silently ordering him to just get over with it. Adjusting in his seat to take a better look at your problem, he soon points out your mistake before doing it himself to let you show how to do it.

"So that's how it's really done? Thank you again, Karma-senpai." You beamed in delight while being determined, continuing on to answer the final question that can be solved in the same manner he had done for the prior ones.

Getting too focused to finish your task to get it all done early, he had taken this as a chance to sneakily take something of importance for you. You silently cheered, fist pumping in the air before closing your notebook after you had also crossed the finish line.

Absurdity (Yandere Assassination Classroom Characters x Reader Oneshots)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant