(Ritsu) Artificial Intelligence

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Warnings: Slight mention of deaths and murders, and overprotective behavior. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


The blaring light coming from the computer is the only thing that illuminates a small part inside your room until the door opens and the light from the outside seeps inside.

You close your eyes and release a huff of annoyance at the intruder who turns on the light in the room. "Y/N, dear. It's time for dinner. Your dad is the one who made it."

Your mother looks around the room to see different technology stuff scattered around. A drone hovering in the air touched the tiled floor of your room after you controlled it and you shut off the computer afterwards.

"He's not my dad and I'd rather order from a fastfood chain than to eat anything that man had made." You said without looking at her, still seated on your swivel chair and placing the drone and its controller on top of the desk beside you.

"Y/N!" Your mom crosses her arms across her chest as she glares at you, making you raise both of your hands in surrender as you finally face the older woman standing by your right.

"Sorry, mother." M/N shakes her head and gestures for you to go that caused you sigh and stand up to follow after your mom.

Going out your room and passing by the living room, the two of you reached the dining room where delicious food is already placed on top of the dining table. You proceed to take a seat at the other end of the rectangular table, not wanting to be near them. You take a small portion of the food while ignoring the stares of the two adults. The atmosphere was quite thick as you continue to eat silently while your companions had a small chat.

You finally finish your food and instantly stand up to leave, but halted your steps once hearing someone calling you. "Y/N? Do you have a moment?"

Your father stands up and exits, glancing behind him to see if you would accept. Before you could refuse to have a talk with him, you caught a glimpse of your mom's pleading eyes that made you reluctantly follow the man.

"I still have some important things to do so can you tell me what do you want?" You asked once the two of you are inside the man's office.

Paperworks neatly arranged on top of his wooden desk at the center with bookshelves lining up on each side of the room.

"I have something to give to you as a birthday gift." Your step father walks towards his desk and takes the small phone placed on top in which you only noticed now.

"I'm already suffering from your presence and didn't you already gave me a present last week? This gift of yours is a bit late, don't you think? It's not like I want it. In fact, I'm not going to accept it." You face away from him.

"It's an artificial intelligence and it's already inside your room. She can control the security of our house that no harm will ever come to you and your mom again." Your step father approaches you and gives the phone and he explained that it will be the controller and communication device between the artificial intelligence and yourself.

"Just being with your presence is enough for me to feel danger, but I'm not afraid of it. Maybe my dad was the one who made it and you stole it from him." You turn the phone on and was greeted by a photo of a girl with a pair of pinkish red hues staring blankly at you with a small smile on her lips.

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