(Asano Gakuho and Gakushu) Unfortunate Decision

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Requested by: luna_uchiha_raizel
Hope you'll like it! Enjoy!

Warnings: Violence, mentions of kidnapping and theft, bloody scenes, and overprotective behavior. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


As you pass through the expensive vases and other decorations along with the magnificent paintings plastered along the equally extravagant walls and miniature crystalline chandeliers that hung from the ceiling that both showed richness and mysteriousness coming from the low lighting of the area that differ from the other locations, your companion seemed to have himself be drunk with all of the riches his vision could bare to see. Not only did he hit a jackpot for a pleasant action he would like to have you with later on after your invitation, but he would also ensure that he would leave as a rich man after all of this ordeal.

For him, your suggestion to have you over to your mansion was such a good idea that he had forgotten his main mission to kidnap you and make some money out of it, being blinded after knowing that many riches and possibly treasures lie within your abode. Along with such faux sugar coated statements you had shared with him, the innocence and faux ignorance you presented only added to his greed to have all of it to himself. Ensuring that he's still distracted, you added it further by gently pressing your body against his arm while still guiding him towards a special room that you called it upon mentioning to him.

You soon arrived at your destination, further heightening the man's anxious state in a positive way for him. His eyes eagerly gazing while waiting for the odd looking door to be opened, doing quite impatiently so for you to unlock it with a twist of the doorknob after using a key that lets a resonating click. Having your back turned to face in his direction, he was unaware of your malicious grin as you yourself is giddy for the situation later on. Clearing your throat and covering up your mischievous look, you open the door that led to a poorly lit room with only the areas near the door illuminated from the outside source.

Returning back to his side and hugging his arm, you innocently smiled while looking up at him to see his hesitance, but you utter words of reassurance in return. "Excuse the poor lighting. It's because of how shiny most of the things inside are. We would be blinded if the lights are on, but don't worry, I know this room like the back of my hand."

The gleam of greed in his eyes twinkled in return before he eagerly followed after your gentle pull. You guided him to a seat that was comfortable that he didn't seem to further suspect the oddness of the situation, making you mentally scoff at his ignorance. Remaining your innocent facade with a subtle seduction for him to rest easy and went along with your actions, you roughly pushed him to the seat before strapping his wrist and ankles to it as he only laughed at such courageous actions of yours.

You only smirked before making your way to the light switch, not yet turning the lights on as you called someone. "Dad, can you come over here in our torture room? I have someone to mess with since he messed with me first. Would you mind punishing him for me? Ask the question to Gakushu as well. I'm certain he will be pleased and entertained. Thanks and see you soon."

Putting the pieces of the conversation along with the subtle bad vibes he soon realized he acquired from being strapped to the comfortable chair, panic soon washed over him like a tidal wave that forced him to grasp the severity of his situation. The confirmation of his assumption was soon presented once the lighting in the area is enough for him to take a look around, his blood freezing at every inch his gaze would reach. It was true that the lighting of the room caused the light to be reflected on shiny surfaces, but not caused by any jewelry or any highly expensive objects, but from the blades of most of the weapons.

Pushing his dignity aside, he pleaded for you to let him free, screaming with all of his might to let anyone know of his location and might help him in return. You only rolled your eyes at his desperate attempts to be rescued, knowing that it would never arrive. He was soon silenced upon hearing a series of footsteps seeming to eerily add on to the horrifying atmosphere the room has. Two similar looking people enter the room, causing you to cheer before presenting them the man. Approaching the two, you reunited with your father and brother while ignoring the man struggling through his restraints to be free.

Explaining them of the situation, Gakuho was left disbelief, but subtly proud of your experience, giving you a gentle pat on the head while suggesting with a warm smile. "Y/N, would you mind choosing which tools we would use for him."

You eagerly nodded in return before approaching the weapons, already decided earlier on after surveying the familiar room as well when the soon to be victim did. Wanting for him to feel much pain to pay for such disgusting crimes he had done, you have chosen for his punishment to be done by the means of the metal bat along with a simple looking silver stick with a very sharp pointed end.

Taking the latter, Gakuho makes his approach with concerning and intimidating strides. Despite the man fearfully observing him for any action he was about to do, he was mildly impressed with such speed that he had just realized through the subtle pain he felt from any parts of his body. Blood started to trickle down from the pricked injuries he had that had quite the depth. Having the spotlight, Gakushu lets the bat land quite a painful blow on his stomach. It was really lucky that the man seemed foolish enough to have fallen for your trap, but thinking otherwise caused Gakushu to tighten his grip on his weapon.

Thinking the negative scenario, Gakushu's strength maximized as he lets the bat land on the side of the man's head. Such attack caused everything to ring as the man continued to hoarsely scream out in pain. Despite being dizzy from all of the ongoing assault, his blurred vision managed to see your grinning feature, being smug with his fate that led him to regret all of the wrongdoings he did in the past as well as now, but being regretful clearly isn't helpful at the moment. Going in and out of consciousness from the unknown family beating him up caused by his crimes, he had realized how unfortunate his decision was.

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