(Karasuma Tadaomi) So Close

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Warnings: Manipulation, mentions of violence and captivity, obsessive, overprotective and possessive behaviors. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with. If it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking out this book. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


The usual stoic features of the man that claimed to have unconsciously grown attracted to you in a way you viewed unhealthy was altered to present a genuine joyful smile that almost caused you to feel guilty of your act, almost. Your brain remained stubborn in terms of not accepting Karasuma after all the problems you've been through despite your heart starting to feel otherwise. Once your heart started to open up to him after all the good happenings you've experienced with him, to strengthen and reminisce your resolve, memories resurfaced of the bad times that you once promised to never forget.

The violence you've seen him deliver to those that he stated and deemed had been too close to you. His lingering presence suffocating you when he clearly follows you almost every time. The last reminder had been the complete isolation from both of your friends and family, locking you up within the house that he persisted that you would soon call your own abode and despite the pleading to let you go, it would always lead to his temper being out of control. Unfortunately enough, he hasn't directed any physical damage to you, but it only added to your desire to leave him as soon as possible to avoid such thing happening.

Calmly following him to the front door and not seeming to want to dash out of the door once it would open upon his command, you present an expression one would show their longing. Before he's about to make an exit, he stops from uttering the right words to do so upon feeling you gripping his wrist as if being afraid of being left by him. He hides his surprise behind a raised brow of confusion after he glances at you while letting his wrist go and instead holds your hand with his own. To add a cherry on top of your acting, you subtly frowned before sadly asking him if he really needs to go and leave you alone for some time.

That's when your resolve almost crumpled once he presents his affectionate smile after being surprised, gently ruffling your hair before he answers. "This is something important that I really need to take care of immediately. I won't be gone for too long and I know you would behave well while I'm away. I'll see you soon, Y/N."

You return his wave of goodbye, informing him before he would let the door close automatically that caused him to glance at you and feel elated upon hearing your words. "I'm looking forward for your return, Tadaomi. I'll be missing you so much, but I wish you a safe trip."

You would try to make another escape as it would seem that Karasuma had managed to put enough trust in you to leave you alone. After he left, he informed that he will be gone for about two hours that seemed enough for your plan to take into action once he's completely gone. Exploring the right rooms where you would disable the security system, you wasted no time upon doing so. You've already made yourself familiar with the structure of the house and know how to disable every security measures he had included within it, relieved when nothing happened after you opened your bedroom window.

Closing it once more, you made it like how it has been before you went inside your walk in closet. Reaching a secret area, you carefully take out the hidden items enough for you to carry around that contained the needed items that would help you survive until you would acquire help from your acquaintances. You've prepared your bags and proceeded to make a leave after disabling the security cameras, locks, and others. Knowing that it might not be long before Karasuma would be alerted by the trouble through the absence of any reports from the security system in keeping an eye on you, you instantly exit the abode.

Within the depths of your memories, you managed to remember that the area seemed to be a subdivision, though more on a deserted type since the neighborhood is absent of any proper communication and interaction. It would be an advantage to you that no one would mind whatever you're about to do as long as you will normally act like a person about to visit work, you'll be fine. Just to avoid suspicion of your identity, you calmly exited from a street two blocks away from your original location, striding along the street as you observe the area through your sunglasses that still a fit with your clothing and weather.

Your luck seemed to have a good supply for it to give you this time, presenting you an opportunity to get away faster than your current means of travel. A taxi just turned around a corner, about to drive past your form before you gestured for a ride as the driver immediately halts before the vehicle could be a distance away from you. Securing your hold of your bag's sling and supporting the bottom of the item, you sprinted from where you had been and to the taxi's car door directed to the back passenger seat. Hearing it unlock, you carefully open the door before letting yourself be comfortable in your seat.

"You seem to be in a hurry. About to be late for work?" The driver's voice called out as he gives you a side glance with his eyes halfway through its original size as its lower area had been rising along with his welcoming grin that caused you to be temporarily eased.

"I am, woke up late after finishing up some paperworks last night." You easily lied and even managed to equally express the enthusiasm he initiated despite you not wanting to have a conversation at the moment, but doing so would only cause him to be suspicious.

Before you could inform him of your destination, he lightly laughed before gradually speeding up, making a remark right after that caused you to freeze. "You busy yourself too much, then. There's no need to do so when there's someone already taking care of you, no? Speaking of, we just arrived on time."

As the car lessened in speed until it stops, you remained focused on a certain individual waiting just outside the same car door that used to enter the taxi earlier. You instantly locked the door to not let him give the chance of even trying to unlock it from the other side, but the car seemed to be controlled by no one other than the driver himself. Hearing a soft click, Karasuma then opens the car door after being able to do so and gives an appreciative nod to the driver that only gives you the certainty that he is also included in this scheme. You did not let yourself be affected by your supposed lover's softened gaze once he directs it to you.

Getting desperate to try one last time, you gazed around the area while trying to unlock the door closest to you after you backed away. Numerous individuals dressed as civilians seemed to be his colleagues. Upon noticing that he had you surrounded, your desperation gradually lessened before your grip upon the interior door handle is absent. You only heard Karasuma sigh before he informs the driver to direct the vehicle to the park where he already prepared something for the both of you enjoy. As you are taken by surprise, he makes a gentle approach before wrapping his arms around your still trembling figure.

Finding unconscious solace within his embrace, you let him comfort you as his surprising initiation of it caused you to be subtly relieved from your assumed negative response from him. Just as you had been so close to being free from his complicated approaches that undeniably stirred confusing emotions within you and caused a mixture of giving in or remaining absolute of your decision to not accept him completely, he's also starting to be so close with finally having you to reciprocate his feelings. A little bit of patience and efforts would only be needed everything he had tried all this time will finally result to his success.

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