(Chiba Ryunosuke) Unfazed

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Warnings: Obsessive, overprotective and possessive behaviors, bloody scene, murder, and mentions of inappropriate actions. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with. If it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking out this book. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


Gone was the problematic experience of yesterday, being dragged away by your sleep to stop you from stressing over it during your resting period. The means of being affected by what happened through a frown present on your features before you went to bed had been temporarily gone and replaced by a serene expression that caused someone to smile in satisfaction. The sun had barely risen behind the horizon, though, despite it, your beauty remained to be compared to nothing within Chiba's vision as he continued to stare at you before visiting a troublesome individual hidden nearby.

With you having your figure be supported by your side caused him to easily witness any subtle movements of your closed eyelids and your lips as you continue to indulge yourself within your dream world, causing him to hope that it's about him as you had always been the one being focused on in his own. Carefully adjusting his arm to support the side of his head while he continued to gaze at you, Chiba slightly frowns upon instantly hearing a distinct sound of some thumping. Mentally killing the cause of such noise, he lowly sighed before taking it as a cue for him to start with his surprise before you would wake up.

He carefully let his form be lifted up by the same arm that also supported him to view you through lying by his side as well, freeing you from the hold by his other arm as he slowly retreats from the bed, eyeing you from time to time to ensure that you haven't been disturbed by the absence of his presence. Thinking that someone should be lucky that he's patient and remained to be calm despite the possible disturbance of the noise might cause to your slumber, Chiba quietly slips out from your shared bedroom and onto an area that he found calming and entertaining to be at since it's where he mostly performs his hobby.

Arriving in his second favorite room, he easily navigated through its darkness before turning on the light after a flick of the light switch as the sound temporarily interrupted the hushed whimpers, groans, and thumping. Based on distance, the sounds would not be able to disturb you that much, though Chiba is certain that there would be another reason for you to be awakened in just a matter of minutes that caused him fondly smile just at the thought of you waking up because he's not by your side any longer. He gets much more excited once you would be able to join him later, focusing on his companion in the meantime.

Your body unconsciously searches for a certain familiar warmth and comfort that suddenly not there where it's supposed to be. Arms reaching out on the other side of the bed that you knew where Chiba would be lying, you only managed to grasp the thin air before touching the bedsheet. The want to have him embrace you caused you to grip the item as your consciousness slowly exits the satisfying slumber and also leaving behind the pleasant dream you had. Changing position while still letting yourself enjoy the comfort of your bed, you carefully stretched your limbs before releasing a small yawn.

Slowly sitting up while rubbing your eyes and trying to get rid of the remaining sleepiness, you glanced to the area beside you where you did not find its supposed occupant that caused you to curiously glance around the dimly lit surrounding. Not seeing even a hint of his figure anywhere within the bedroom, you look at the clock and saw that it's not yet breakfast time. Calling out the name of your lover, you were fairly surprised to not hear any response coming from him. This caused you to be fully awakened, slipping away from your satisfying slumber as you let yourself adjust and prepare to search for him.

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