(Shiota Nagisa) Last Chance

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Warnings: Kidnapping, possessive, overprotective, and obsessive behaviors. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


The quaint café held a comforting atmosphere that is fitting to spend time in the afternoon, inviting you to come inside and enjoy a cup of your usual drink. Not only the customers can enjoy their own preferred drink with a small meal or dessert to accompany it, but they could also let themselves be within the depths of a book's world. It only added to the reason why such place you had unintentionally stumbled upon becoming your favorite go to. The usual greeting filled with enough energy from the owner, whom you had befriended yourself after a few of your visits, snapped you out in getting indulged too much with the familiar scent of such place.

"Y/N! Welcome back! The usual, I presume?" Mavi asked while already carefully carrying your usual drink, placing it gently on top of the vacant table you had managed to acquire for yourself through the busy state of the establishment.

You smiled while stating words of gratitude, being all the more thankful after hearing them continue on. "It's all free of charge. I've also kept the book you've been reading just right behind where it is usually placed. You're almost finished with it, right?"

Mavi points at a nearby bookshelf where it was partially full, some of its contents already been read by the other customers. You nod in agreement, getting relieved to see that you can still finish it right now before replying.

"Yes, just in time before I leave. Though I would still try to stop by here some time." You sheepishly informed, getting sad over the fact of such distance you two might have, but you felt fine after they seemed to understand.

You had already stated some details of your moving out, getting quite amazed with them remembering such information. "Oh, it's that time? Where will you move in? A few drive from here, I suppose?"

You nodded, smiling solemnly before they soon inform you of their leave. "Sorry for keeping you out of the track for your day. Enjoy!"

With a small wave in return, you swept your gaze away from their retreating figure and towards the shelf. You then stood up to reach out the book you had found as your target, grinning in satisfaction upon seeing the bookmark you have left there before continuing on with your reading. Sitting comfortably back again, you soon let yourself and imagination be interconnected as you read, occasionally coming back into reality to consume your delectable. With your focus solely pinned on either your food or the story, you were completely unaware of a pair of azure eyes narrowing their gazes at your figure.

Nagisa had heard the small conversation you had earlier, not liking the topic one bit. He soon racked through his brain a certain plan to take on with his last chance, taking his time while you are slowly starting to reach the end of your book. He was also a regular customer, immediately catching his attention with your quiet, but still warm aura around you. Ever since then, he would observe you right across of your usual table, enjoying his cup of drink while making his day more vibrant when he would soon see you. All of the small things he had known through his observation embedded in his mind, letting him unknowingly fall for you.

Looks like he would soon further regret not getting close to you sooner, being overcome with nervousness and unusual shyness whenever he would attempt to do so. Not wanting to let himself be drowned with his mistakes of the past, he soon focused on to the task at hand right after he had noticed that you are already done. You let yourself express your emotion with the ending of the story, slowly closing the book before putting it back on the shelf with the bookmark placed right from the start again. As you continued to take a bite of your dessert, you were surprised when someone makes an inquiry.

Ensuring that you don't have any crumbs left around your mouth after wiping it with a tissue from a container at the center of the table, you looked up and gave a curious gaze. Nagisa seemed to freeze, getting all the more enamored after finally getting much closer in proximity.

He was left in awe with your wonderful physical features, shaking his head lightly before giving a shy smile before he asks once again. "Is that seat taken? The other ones are already being occupied and its the only one I see that seemed to be vacant."

Of course, it was a partial lie, but you don't need to know that. Without even glancing around to ensure such statement of his and caused by your kindness as well, you offered him to take a seat in front of you. He thanked you before getting himself comfortable, being careful with his belongings. Placing his beverage on the table, you were surprised to see that it was the same one as you had, shrugging it off as coincidence.

Not wanting an awkward atmosphere to consume you two, he proceeded to ask you a question once more, shooing away his nervousness and easing himself as you softly smiled at his started interaction. "This place really is great, don't you think?"

"Yes and we probably think the same as well when it comes to our drinks. Is it your favorite one as well?" You asked in return, getting a bit skeptical.

Not wanting suspicious as he had actually ordered your favorite drink right after knowing it, he answered that his preferred drink might have been switched with another. "But this might be my new favorite. It really is delicious with just the right amount of flavor to it."

You immediately agreed, rambling on about it with such enthusiasm before the topic was soon forwarded to the recent book you had just finished, stating that it was his favorite as it was also yours as well.

Such possibility of your favorites that could be acquired within the café didn't seem odd to you, especially as you had soon started to get comfortable around him. Doubt had soon been forgotten right after hearing his answer with the first coincidence made you relieved with no reason caused. Finishing up with each of your bought delectable, the topic soon changed into his wish that he lived somewhere near the establishment. Unknown to you, this was the start of his abruptly thought plan, hoping that it would still work out even at haste. Hearing such, you immediately made a realization before suggesting.

"You want to live somewhere near this café? I know a place where it's only a walking distance away. It will be vacant soon because I'll be moving away." You were getting excited with the idea of it, knowing that your former place will be acquired by a good person, it seemed and that you don't need to search for anyone any longer.

Nagisa faked a surprise, faking his interest as well as he asks. "So you're saying, your current place will not be your current one any longer and that I could be the one to live in it, then?"

This was it, the start of everything going according to his plan, hoping that it would go smoothly and end well.

You nod before beginning to invite him over to take a look as you would then take your leave later on, seeing as your things had already been moved first. He immediately agreed, leaving the café altogether while starting to walk towards the parking lot after informing you that he had taken a car with him. Such advances of the situation did not let you be in disbelief, proceeding to be at ease with your new found friend as he seemed to be a kind and harmless individual, adding on with him being a gentleman as well. Thanking him after opening the car door of the passenger seat for you to get in, you did so right after while ensuring that you've buckled your seat belt.

Turning on the engine that caused the car to release a small hum of its activation, Nagisa soon drives off, controlling himself to not just speed up back to his own place with you. He even forced himself to not grin in satisfaction, knowing that you would definitely find something off about it. Accompanied with the music from the radio, he started off a conversation to make you even more comfortable and unaware of the situation you had unfortunately held yourself in. Such ignorance only makes you seem adorable to him, getting him all the more determined to keep you safe and only to himself as you soon arrived.

Just his luck, the neighborhood seemed silent and barren, completely focused on with their daily lives and locked up in their own abode. He lets the car slowly stop right in front of your house, getting you confused when the doors would not open. Turning to ask him about it, you were immediately stunned. The last action he made that you had clearly seen was clapping his hands near your face, shocking you in an instant before you soon went unconscious. The last chance that he had risked to do had given him fruition, resulting in quite a lucky good result as he soon drive away and towards your new home along with him.

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