(Nakamura Rio) Less Difficulty

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Requested by: YuzukiFuwasWife
Hope you'll like it! Enjoy!

Warnings: Manipulation, subtle mention of violence, bloody scenes and killings, overprotective, obsessive, and possessive behaviors. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


Feeling the motions of the hand that gently rubs against your head stop, you immediately stir awake from your slumber upon also noticing some distinct noises that are very unusual for the current time to be present. With the help of your heightened senses, you instantly assumed the danger the source of the sound is bringing. Your inner wolf begging to take over just in case to ensure the safety of both you and your lover, but you remained still while reassuring that you would let it free soon. Both you and Rio made eye contact, silently messaging the other to carefully investigate what it was all about.

Before she could stand up from being seated on the floor with the blankets and pillows piled to make a cushion for the both of you, you gently took her wrist, pulling her gently back down as you proceeded to imitate her action instead. Reminding her to stay and let yourself handle the situation, you cautiously approached the window to take a peek through the curtains, silently gazing at the incoming two figures of what seemed to be well-trained hunters along with their own hunting dogs. Before their flashlight could reach your direction, you covered the window completely before going back to Rio.

You solemnly informed her of the situation, noticing her distress as you instantly tried to calm her down by nuzzling her hand while occasionally massaging it.

Immediately proving the situation to be a threat and even danger if no action would be done early, Rio showed her mild concern and whispers in a panicked tone while keeping her worried gaze at your figure. "They're going to take you away from me, Y/N! What are we going to do? I-I can't fight them by myself, and we have no time to escape. I can't leave without you as well..."

Before her tears could escape, you gently kissed them away and comforting her further, you carefully wrapped your arms around her subtly trembling figure caused by being distressed about the situation. Realizing something from her statement, you have thought of a way for the two of you to get through this difficulty.

Gently freeing yourself from the comforting embrace you initiated, you gently gripped both of her shoulders, letting her face you before you inform her of your decision with certainty. "I'll deal with them while you pack some necessary things for our journey later. Stay here and be safe. I'll be back soon, okay? We have no time to waste. I'll go now."

Even though she'd like to disagree with your plan that seemed to be reckless, she had realized how much you have grown and with the help of your hidden abilities, facing the hunters might just be a piece of cake for you. Reminding you to be careful, Rio waited for your response which was just a simple nod before you soon left the simple abode hidden deep within the woods that was unfortunately seen by the hunters at the moment. As the door closes, Rio immediately stood up to follow your request. Your exit has been just the right timing as one of them is just about to call out to anyone that resides the establishment.

It seemed that no negotiation would be available to present to them when they instantly showed their weapons while screaming threats and demands, making you scoff with how you would be able to easily defeat them despite it. You glared at the hunters, angered by the disturbance. It was now time for you to return everything that Rio had done for the sake of protecting you against those who tries to steal you away from her. Despite being unsure of what the hunters' main objective is, the determination to drive them off even going through such horrid means left it unanswered and remaining irrelevant currently.

The hunters were left horrified when their guess for the rumored human that can transform into a wolf and had also acquired the powerful attribute of the creature is proven true as they witness your transformation. Your clothes are left torn on the ground, giving way for your body to shift to your wolf form. With enough illumination, they easily see the strong features that you have with what caught their attention mainly are your glowering (color eyes) filled with anger along you're your sharp teeth baring at them. You stood majestic, unafraid, and ready for battle and with them being no coward, they silently accepted your challenge.

Releasing a low growl after you have completed your transformation, you slowly start to make your way towards them. They are immediately alarmed and proceeded to activate their weapons while ordering their dogs to attack as well. You easily dodged their attacks with the help of your speed and glowered at such efforts. Not wanting Rio to wait any longer and already missing her presence, you decided to go all out. Your hind legs delivering a strong kick to both dogs that tried to attack you at the same time, rendering them useless for battle and left whimpering in pain. The dangerous upfront they had earlier gone.

You soon focused on the main threats, running towards them while deflecting their attacks. You sharp claw soon revealed itself, easily swiping across their chosen weapons away from their grasps. And for their owners, your teeth found its way digging painfully in their limbs. The hunters were soon nothing, but a lying heap of corpses along with their dogs. You glanced behind you to see Rio making her approach after finishing with her task. Proud of what you had done, Rio couldn't help, but to immediately wrap her arms around your fluffy neck with enough length for you to feel her own relief and happiness as well.

Despite her own clothing being smeared with blood from the remnants of the bloody and unfair fight, she paid no mind to it as she's currently feeling overwhelmed with the good result of the circumstance. Having your presence to be there for her once more was enough for her. You gently nudged her to remind the next objective for the two of you to make, knowing that there might be others in search for the former hunters. Getting your silent order, Rio carefully mounts herself on your back while ensuring that the needed necessities that she had brought would be in an efficient state as you travel as you wasted no time to start it.

Feeling the wind gently caressing her face as you carefully run through the woods on a clear path, Rio smiled in contentment. Through the challenges that you faced and the moments that you shared, you had finally grown to accept her love and return the same degree to her. Everything that she could ever want is just to spend her life with you and now here you two are, fleeing together to live alone in peace and she couldn't wait for the awaiting future. With the two of you having each other as a source of strength and support, it is certain that facing those who will try to separate you two would be of less difficulty.

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