(Asano Gakushu) Too Good To Be True

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Warnings: Jealousy, obsessive, possessive and overprotective behaviors. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


The house that both you and your lover had moved into had been beautiful with you being satisfied enough with its state. It had a fading pink and related shades of it on its overall appearance with the inside of your own part of the house being bleak with dull, but still pleasant looking colors for a house. You were excited to spend more time together with your boyfriend, instantly helping out with moving the things inside. It seemed that your assumption for the two of you to get closer than ever through the moving in together seemed to have been proven incorrect when he became distant from you instead.

Gakushu had been mostly ignoring you right after you two had managed to completely put inside the boxes filled with either of your things, being too focused with his work rather than giving you affection even just a little bit. It undeniably irked you despite understanding his perseverance and determination to do well on his profession, wanting for the relationship to be just like in the past where it is sweet and full of affection despite the many problems. As you dwell within the realms of your frustration, you failed to notice the little mouse that scurried about from taking a peek of your figure to slipping through a gap.

You let yourself relax and remain calm, not wanting to start a fight that might attract unwanted negative remarks from your neighbors both upstairs and downstairs. Wanting to distract yourself still after doing the important task of yours, but not wanting to bother Gakushu, you decided to clean up some rooms that seemed easy to do so. Arriving in a living room, your journey begins when you noticed a small door hidden behind a sofa. You just happen to sweep some dust and other lingering dirt on the floor when you stumble upon an odd looking sofa where a strange pattern the wall behind it obvious. 

Finding no other thing to do that's important and knowing that your boyfriend won't probably notice your absence, you started to satisfy your curiosity through gently pushing the sofa out of the way before being left in wonder by the small door behind it. It seemed to fit you enough when you crawl, still leaving a small space around you as you managed to proceed inside it after it opened when you accidentally pushed it, moving outward subtly that was enough for your hand to pry it open. The crawlspace felt soft and easy to go through as you soon arrived on the other side not soon after that left you confused.

It was exactly the same place where you had come from, except it seemed to be more vibrant and lovely than the other. Every unique looking furniture is neatly placed while maintaining a good quality along with some other decorations of the astounding environment. Still in awe, you wander within the room while gazing around and not in the direction you're going. Because of such, it caused you to bump into someone. You immediately take a step back, proceeding to apologize only to be surprised by whom you have bumped into. You stared into the violet buttons that was the only difference from your boyfriend.

Despite the unusual characteristic of his, you felt no hostility coming from him and probably caused by being a copy of your lover as well, you felt mildly at ease.

"Would you like some snacks while we watch a movie?" He politely inquired.

You contemplated about it before asking your own question. "Is it okay if I ask who are you? You seemed to be oddly familiar."

You only laughed along when he introduced himself to be the other Gakushu before you let yourself enjoy your stay as he insisted. You followed after him, surprised to see that he had already prepared some snacks along with a movie ready to be played.

You remained a cautious distance beside him on the sofa, focusing on the movie that happened to be your favorite before you soon felt comfortable. The hours quickly passed by and while you felt enjoyment, you were slowly exhausted from helping him out with gardening and even finding fun through cleaning. He immediately noticed your tired state, being observant as you had noted him to be as he led you to your supposed shared bedroom. You were hesitant to follow him, being concerned with the real Gakushu probably wondering where you have been before he reassured you that you'll be back to your real world still.

As you slowly being lulled to rest, you felt him gently kiss your forehead before whispering to see you soon. You subtly smiled in response, letting yourself be invited to the comforts of sleep before promising to remember him. Everything was great when you met your other boyfriend in the other world through the small door. Every time you visit the other world and to spend time with the other Gakushu, you felt appreciated, cared for, and even loved, despite knowing that he's just a positive copy of your original boyfriend. He seemed to turn your dream into reality, being the best boyfriend he could ever be whenever you're with him. 

Despite it being too good, you've learned to accept and understand your real boyfriend once more when he started to act normally and affectionately again whenever you went back to the real world after your visit to the other. As much as you had loved your experience within the other world with your other boyfriend, there's definitely no match for the original one. Especially when he had finally started to warm up to you once more, having nothing to stress about related to his work when good news after good news greeted the two of you. Though you were reminded of something important one night.

Gakushu had already been sleeping soundly beside you, having an arm gently wrapped on your figure that comforted you greatly, though it wasn't enough for you to go to sleep as well. You heard a squeak of a mouse, eyes widening in realization before you slowly pry his arm away, being cautious as to not wake him up. You had forgotten to visit your other boyfriend for the last time, wanting to bid him goodbye as you wanted to focus on your real life that luckily started to get better. You were excited to share every good thing you had experienced along with the real Gakushu, wanting to lighten up the atmosphere before your goodbye.

Immediately going through the makeshift tunnel, you didn't notice the door to your own world seeming to lock itself once you managed to enter the other. You grinned once seeing other Gakushu eagerly awaiting your arrival, having a forced smile that you are unaware of as he know the real reason why you are here. He had anticipated your visit, yes, but, he knew that you slowly forget him when visited him less and through the help of his spies, reports of having a good time with your real boyfriend were known. He didn't like that one bit, wanting for his plan to be perfect as he maintains his usual personality.

He had you wrapped around his finger as he mentally gives applause to himself while watching you excitedly gazing at the late night snacks he had prepared of different variety. Being left unaware of his intention, you thanked him for the food before digging in as he also lets himself indulge a spoonful or two. He managed to endure the almost half an hour talk about your good life before the effects are starting to show.

Your arms luckily supported your head as you slept, taking his chance to seal his plan with a kiss on your cheek as he whispers to himself. "I'll see you later, my dear Y/N. Rest well and enjoy your permanent stay here."

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