(Asano Gakushu) Had Enough

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Warnings: Mentions of death, bloody scenes, obsessive, overprotective and possessive behaviors. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with. If it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking out this book. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


The promising words partnered up with the prince's natural charismatic aura convinced you to finally agree with his desire to make you a part of his life, letting you completely forget the remaining giant boulder in front of your relationship's path. Remaining with the affections you would receive from the young royal, his advances left you flustered, but you equally remain to feel loved and cared for the first time through having your low title as a disadvantage at acquiring such. Many even showed their envy for finding you lucky to acquire the prince himself that also became a factor for you to finally accept his love.

Arriving in front of the throne room and feeling small under the scrutinizing gaze of the guards, you felt relieved when they stopped staring at you after Gakushu gave a warning glare at them before embracing you as his farewell for a temporary leave. It was finally time to declare his want to marry you to his own father and whether or not he would agree, Gakushu remains to have plenty of plans just to have you and whatever means it is, he would do it just to ensure that having you will be the result. Even if it meant that he would need to perform that would be deemed unpleasant and unjust to the kingdom.

It would seem that not the guards nor the king himself needs to remind you that you should not dare step within the important area within the castle as such limitation is a result of your low status because the room already presented you with an unwelcoming atmosphere. It seemed to mock you that even being with the prince could not give you the power fitting for a natural individual, oozing malice and disapproval already as you could only hold your breath while waiting for the doors to close, halting your narrowed view of Gakushu's figure. Not long after, you managed to hear the start of a muffled conversation.

You were unfortunate enough to have been relieved from the anticipation of a possible waiting since Gakuho's response to his son's objective of visitation had been instant and could also be heard from where you are at. It mainly composed of a loud and clear negative comments from the king about the general disadvantages and even mocking your status. The royal guards remained to gaze at you with subtle pity, though mainly showing their dull expressions as requested for the importance of their duty to only focus on protecting the castle, though it would reveal that they would ultimately fail in their most important duty.

With each hurtful word that you would clearly hear despite being outside the throne room, standing directly in front of the closed double doors that towered over your form was enough for you to imagine what would be happening inside. To muffle out the noises you would make caused by the pain the words had caused that are certainly directed to you, despite your personal presence absent among the two royalties with the other presenting the hurtful statements, you place a palm to cover your mouth while also trying to tune out the calm, but loud enough declaration of the king's opinion.

"You are to marry a fellow royalty, Gakushu. I would never let my son love and be united with someone coming from a low position. It will certainly cause a scandal and perhaps would lead to something chaotic in the future. I may not be able to give an accurate tell of what the future holds, but I am certain that it would lead up to no good if you would persevere with your decision." Gakuho's disapproval had been clear.

Before Gakushu could try to disagree and persuade the king of his undying love for you, Gakuho proved that he remains to hold the highest power among everyone that even his own son dejectedly decided to step down, though not for long. Gakushu remained silent, letting Gakuho assume that he would finally give up and just as usual, would go along with his order to forget you and to focus on acquiring a good future and prosperity for the kingdom by marrying someone of a higher rank than you. Gakuho narrows his gaze when Gakushu meets his eyes, determination shown along with stubbornness.

Because of this, it was clear that Gakushu had enough with his father's control over his life, deciding to let himself be free and the only thing he would deem himself enjoying his freedom would be spending his lifetime with you. Though unfortunately, it would seem that being focused with the mission of having you at last blinded him of the fact that what he would do to achieve his objective will result to a limitation of his freedom. The major darkness the area is currently in did not manage to hide the trail of scarlet liquid from the now unalive king, having it coming from a critical wound on his chest.

The pride Gakuho managed to show through the subtle fear and shock from his son's absence of compliance with his order had been ignored by his attacker, too focused with his precious goal. Nearing his final breath and still having the strength, Gakuho expresses his gladness with Gakushu's decision and likeness with his own approach of acquiring his late wife through a small smile and a small remark about it. It caused Gakushu to falter, letting the grip upon the hilt of the dagger be lessened until his trembling palms remained upon his sides. With his head downcast, he left the throne room and his unfortunate victim.

Without even having to take a look inside, you could already fearfully imagine the royal highness's expression currently being directed to his son, a mixture of disappointment and silent anger with what he had learned through Gakushu's revelation. Your assumption was right, but the developing tension within the room until it would lead to something sinister to happen was something that you hadn't expected to happen. The door finally opened, but the resounding creak that came along with it seemed to be sinister in nature as it would reveal something that would be related to such.

The scent of the crime immediately lingered outside, but before the guards could check out what had been happening while they were away after being ordered by the king himself to leave him to prepare with his son's visitation, they were knocked out unconscious by the prince's remaining wrath and rush of adrenaline. Having you within his view made him acquire the right control of himself, immediately approaching you before instantly having his arms securely around your figure, remaining unaware of your worry. Noticing the absence of a response, Gakushu pulls away before gazing at you and getting concerned himself.

"We can finally be together, Y/N. Let's start anew somewhere far away from here. You understand me, right? I did this for us. We'll be satisfied as long as we're together." Gakushu remarked almost out of desperation after seeing your subtle hesitance.

It would seem that you had been affected by his right way of words and from the pressure that he managed to force you through his influence and power that had caused you to finally decide something that he had longed for. Gazing back into his hypnotizing eyes seemed to have an effect on you, causing you to unconsciously nod. With a gentle touch upon your cheek, you leaned into his warmth before you let your eyes closed while enjoying the affectionate feeling of having his lips pressed against your forehead. Embracing you right after, Gakushu grinned upon noticing that you finally reciprocated the action.

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