(Akabane Karma) Lost Control

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Warnings: Stalking, overprotective and possessive behavior, and kidnapping. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


"I'm pretty sure that you'll be a very helpful addition to the class in assassinating. Your first impression is an evidence of it. Welcome to the E Class, L/N-san!" Koro-sensei joyfully and warmly welcomed the new addition to his students as if three of his limbs had not been cut off earlier.

The others are still stunned by the sudden and the successful attack their new classmate had inflicted to their teacher where only one of them had managed to also succeed in his first try and he was also the same case as yours. Even the two of you just transferred, you two had already done some damage to the unkillable teacher with not that much effort and even working just by yourselves and no help from others whereas it was quite the opposite to the others.

Hearing your soothing voice that was the opposition of the way you had viciously attacked earlier, this brought much more surprise to your classmates and had caught interest by a certain red haired male. You thanked and hoped for you and the others to work together to achieve the needed goal that was burdened your class with before you silently make your way towards a vacant seat beside Karma. If not for them seeing your form approaching your chosen desk, they would have thought that no one is even passing by them since it seems like you have mastered in concealing your presence that was probably also a factor of your successful attack earlier.

An unnoticeable smirk appears on your face before you take a seat, ignoring the prolonged stares of your classmates and as unbelievable as it is, your seatmate had found the wole situation wonderful. From your attack and just by being beside you overall, it was enough for him to feel satisfaction and his own definition of happiness that he would just receive from beating up others and seeing them in pain or struggling something, hence him being quite a sadist. But just by seeing you and had been lucky enough to be your classmate, Karma had found himself someone for him to admire which had resulted with him having a small crush towards you that even he was unaware of the reason why he was easily trapped within his adoration with you.

Was it because your swift movements that can be compared to a professional with the way you had attacked earlier? Or because of the small variety of emotions that you let the others see, but not too much to not make it reveal any of your possible weaknesses? Or was it because of your overall presence that he could compare to something on a much important person than any of them? Whatever it was, he's just certain that he had finally found someone worthy to be adored by him. But as the days went by with him just observing you from a distance and managing to get some information from either Nagisa or Kayano, he had soon found himself unable to reach you.

Even though you had a strong and calm facade that you always show to the others, he still manage to see how fragile and gentle you are. Because of this, you had manages to gain bonds with the others in a short period of time, but not with him. Why? He's afraid of his unique characteristics to be getting in between the two of you that made him reach a hesitant decision of just letting a good distance between you two be. You're sitting next to him, but he feels like you had no connection whatsoever. Is this what so close yet so far means? With the revelation of the fragility that you had been hiding, he's afraid that his own persona with clash your own and that would result with you being hurt and broken because of it.

But of course, that didn't stop him from getting to know you more using a different method that didn't seem to be illegal for him, though it really is if it counts the countless times he had sneaked through your room and sometimes stealing some of the unnoticeable belongings of yours when he couldn't help it. Even he knew that he's acting strange, he always reminded himself that it's because of his deep admiration towards you. Unbeknownst to you, the two of you actually always walk home together, with him staying out of your sight and making sure that his presence could not be detected by you while making sure that you're always safe.

Him being a stalker should make his past self laugh at how funny and absurd it sounds, but he couldn't help it. He's already limiting himself of basking with your presence and he was just kind of desperate to know more about you. Because of this, his odd behavior did not only end with him stalking you, but had reached to the point that you have been a school subject for him. He had been unknowingly taking notes or whatever your likes and dislikes are while also managing to act his normal personality whenever you decided to be the first one to approach him, keeping inside any happy outburst from getting out. All of the current interactions with you, may it be with your knowledge or not, was enough for him.

But he started to slip when someone became an unexpected factor with his plans of finally starting to let his adoration be known by you. His phone was almost crushed by the sudden addition to his grip in it if it wasn't for him realizing his actions. The camera application of his device was being used by him as he was supposed to capture another photo of you to add to his collection when another unwanted figure suddenly approaches you while probably giving some flirty remark of two since he had known this person to be quite a flirt and what added to his anger is the fact that he's from A Class.

"Thank you for your invitation, Sakakibara-kun, but I'm afraid I won't be able to accept it. Maybe those other students will happily accept you as their tutor." You replied while getting irritated with his perseverance to spend some time with you as a tutor while also remarking that he would take you out on a date after his ramblings of some compliments and pick up lines for you.

Noticing your visible discomfort that was clearly being ignored by Ren, Karma decided to come to your rescue, knowing that you will not find his sudden presence a surprising one since it's still the same time for some other students to leave the school and he could just happen to pass by and decided to help you in your view.

Karma easily pushes Ren away from you as he sees that he's getting too close as Ren immediately expresses his annoyance when his smile falters, but it was still there while calmly telling Karma to continue on his way and to not intervene with your conversation which was also ignored by Karma. This interaction between them was slowly being filled with hostility, mainly coming from Karma, every time Ren continues to try to pursue for you.

With Karma always by your side though, he had finally given up and so, you thanked your new friend because of it. "Thank you, Karma-kun. Though, I could've handled it myself, but it still worked out fine with your help, so I think that's also good?"

Hearing you thanking and recognizing one of his hard works made him feel elated. Because of the interaction you had with Ren, Karma realized something and that is he also needed to protect you and keep you away from others that might try to take you away from him and from that moment on, he had started to become possessive and had started to get uncomfortably too close for your comfort. When you confronted him about it, he seemed fine with it and had started to distance himself from you, but it seemed like he was still paranoid about you as you soon found yourself locked up inside a pretty luxurious room with him.

"You're insane... Please, just let me go and I'll pretend that this never happened." You calmly requested, ignoring the cold metal around your wrist the weighed it down and also stopped you from even taking five steps away from the bed your currently sitting on.

Karma shakes his head in disagreement, meeting your gaze as he stood a distance away from you, leaning casually against the wall with his arms crossed. "That's not how it works, Y/N. At least not what I wanted it to be. You should have accepted everything that I did as a proof of my admiration!"

"You've been admiring me... All along? Why didn't you tell me sooner? You know what, never mind. It's not going to change my real feelings towards you anyway and as ridiculous it may sound to others who would've known about your secret behaviors, I may or may not like you back. It actually all depends on how you'll act to me and to others soon. Make sure you choose the right choice of behavior." You give a small smile to him as Karma didn't know if he should sweat drop at your obliviousness or feel relieved since you seem to be giving him a chance, but he chooses the latter as he guessed that he just needs to ensure to never lose control again.

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