(Asano Gakushu) Caught In His Trap

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Warnings: Manipulation, possessive behavior, and threat. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


Gakushu opens up the back passenger door for you as you gave your thanks afterwards. The scent of (fruit) coming from the air freshener inside greets you as you sit comfortably in the back passenger seat. Gakushu goes to the other side and sits right beside you after closing the car door, making your heart beat a little faster in which you didn't know why. The close proximity made you wonder why he's sitting in such closeness even though there's still more space on the other side.

Gakushu nods at the driver through the rear view mirror as the driver nods back in response and starts to drive towards their destination, the Asano household just a few blocks away from your home. It was quiet until you decided to break it by asking a question, ignoring Gakushu who's still in the same position as he was before and it seems like he's not moving away anytime soon.

"Man, this is the first time that you invited me to go to your house to study. Do you need help with (your best subject)? Aren't you also good at that one?" You glance in his direction to see him already looking without fully facing towards you.

You raise a brow in question as you clear your throat that snaps him out of his daze. "Hm? Oh, we're actually doing a project that was assigned to us by pair. Didn't you hear yesterday? Or maybe you're too busy daydreaming again. Since all of our classmates had already had their own partners, I decided that you'll be mine."

The lie easily slips out from him as he reverts his gaze in front to avoid further suspicion from you while you are currently busying yourself, trying to remember all the events that happened at the school yesterday, but had no recollection about the said project. 'He didn't specify what the project is about and he has acted a bit strange since last week, being protective and following me whenever I go. It's so unlike him. But, then again, I may just be tired that resulted me being paranoid over it.'

You reason out with yourself, but the voice at the back of your mind keeps telling you to get out of the car and go straight back home without looking back. Your mouth slowly opens to tell the driver to stop, but nothing came out as your eyes caught sight of the beautiful house slowly nearing them. The car stopped right in front as you freezes in place, not noticing that Gakushu had already opened the car door by your side.

"Y/N?" He called out that made you come back to your senses and accepts Gakushu's hand that was held out for you.

Instead of feeling safe every time he's gripping your hand with his own, now being secured is not what you felt instead it was quite the opposite. You felt as if you're in danger, just like how a prey had ignorantly stepped inside a lion's den. The sound of the car door finally closing added the nervousness that you felt as the two of you start to make your way towards the main door of the house after passing by the opened gate. You softly tug your hand out of his grip, but it tightened. You state your discomfort as he instantly lets go of your wrist and apologizes.

Before you could sigh in relief, his arm makes its way around your waist in which you instantly try to get out of, but stopped once you see his parents already waiting for them. "Oh, here they are."

Gakuho gives a small smile towards their direction and glances at his wife. "Our son is quite lucky, isn't he? Already finding his soul mate at a young age. But don't worry, my darling, our love story is still the best for me."

Gakuho gives a welcoming smile at the two as his wife had a small one that seemed forced. Gakushu greets his parents, leaving you no choice but to also greet them. Gakuho opens the front door and goes inside first along with his wife as the other pair followed suit. The sound of the door slowly closing sealed your fate, there's no turning back now. Guess the prey had finally entered the lion's den. They stayed in the living room, talking about marriage and anything related to it. Gakuho and his son are mostly the ones doing the talking while his mom is trying to get you relaxed since you eem to be distressed based on how you were trembling, but was only noticeable for her since you're sitting beside each other.

You were quite thankful that Gakushu didn't decide to take a seat with you and seems to be engrossed with what he and his father is conversing about. Gakushu's mom looked at the window and notices the sun already setting from the horizon, leaving an orange hue spreading across the sky.

"I'll go make dinner. Make yourself at home, Y/N." The woman stands up and makes her way towards the kitchen, but then stops once she hears her husband talking.

"Oh, don't worry. This'll be your home from now on, Y/N." You give a nervous smile at Gakuho's statement, not quite sure if he's serious or not.

"Why don't you stay for dinner, Y/N? We still have a visitor coming to join us later and an important discussion will be talked about later anyway. That's why your presence is very needed until he'll arrive." Gakuho's stare is enough for you to not say no as his wife looks at you with sadness present in her eyes followed by an apologetic look that instantly disappeared once her husband looks at her as she continues her leave and the only question that revolves around you mind is why is she sorry and for what?

"Discussion?" Your question was left unanswered when a series of knocks were heard from the front door.

"Looks like he's finally here. Gakushu, would you please let the visitor in our house? And Y/N-san?" Gakushu followed his father's request while you turn towards him as he continues. "Would you be kind and help my wife in preparing dinner? Thank you."

You give a small nod and make your way to where his wife went off earlier. The smell of the newly cooked food wafts through the air along with the sound of plates and utensils being washed greeted you as Gakushu's mom is currently washing the dishes. The older woman instantly turns around once she hears you approaching her. She rinses her hands and wipes it with her clothing as she carefully place both of her hands on each of the younger's shoulders with her eyes filled with seriousness and determination.

"Y/N-san, it's not too late, yet. Get out of here. Go straight, then turn right and go outside through the back door. Hurry before---" Her eyes widen as she caught sight of her husband standing by the doorway and she slowly starts to let go, making you look at her in confusion.

"What do you think you're doing, dear? Gakushu would be mad if you're going to let her escape. And besides, your fate has already been sealed when you first met him, Y/N-san. Come along now, we don't want the visitor to keep waiting."

Gakushu appears behind his father and leads you towards the living room, even though ylu already know where it was. His parents following behind them while carrying the food.

"Gakushu? We really don't have any project, do we? You---" Your voice caught up in your throat once you see who the visitor was making you feel relieved.

"Dad! What are you doing here? Are you going to pick me up?" You exclaim as you look across the table where your father is sitting at.

"I'm here to talk about your marriage." He answered while giving a small smile at Gakushu, who is already seated besides you.

"M-Marriage? Dad, what's the meaning of this?!" You asked, but your father kept silent.

"Gakushu? You know that I only see you as a big bro, right? What's this all about, huh? And most importantly, what did you do to him!" You slam your right palm on top of the table, ignoring the slight stinging sensation you felt upon doing so, and glare at him while pointing at your father. Gakushu just smirks at you with his hands interlocked beneath his chin.

"I already told you, didn't I, Y/N? I always get what I want and eliminate those who gets in my way. But in this situation, manipulation is the best word to fit since it would be disrespectful for my soon to be father-in-law to not attend our wedding, wouldn't it?"

You glared at him before you scream out. "Didn't you just hear what I said! I don't love you in that kind of way!"

"I don't care what you said. You're going to learn to love me soon enough. And besides, you're already caught in my own trap from the moment you stepped in my life."

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